Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people, who have a right, an indisputable, indefeasible, divine right to that most dreaded and envied kind of knowledge, I mean the characters and conduct of their rulers. ~ John Adams
Where was Bill?
We have known for almost 50 years that Hillary Rob’em Clinton lacks a shred of human decency, is morally bankrupt, power mad, and generally an evil and wicked person. We did NOT need her testimony yesterday to see her soul. As for progressives, Hillary Rob’em Clinton could bite the head off of a dozen new born kittens on “Like TV” and it wouldn’t matter one bit, which tells you all you need to know about her character.
The Congressional Hearing yesterday found truth alright, the truth revealed being that Hillary Rob’em Clinton knowingly lied to the American people about Benghazi for months to help ensure that OBO the Clown’s mythical foreign policy “achievement” remained intact. It was not about a video – it was a terrorist attack and Hillary Rob’em Clinton knew it and lied about it.
Hillary Rob’em Clinton lied to the families of the dead embassy staff and to the American people. And when one of the mothers of the dead staffers (who she promised to call, and never did) enquired of her to find out more about what happened, she was told that she was not part of the family. Just think what this aging grandmother would try to pull off if she was President – absolutely no better than OBO the Clown and possibly far, far, worse.
She didn’t have a computer in her office, but she walked around all day with a Blackberry and an iPad. To quote a great line from the movie Cool Hand Luke: “What we have here is a failure to communicate”. So she didn’t know that Ambassador Stevens requested more security after one year? He knew the risks? My goodness!
Hillary Rob’em Clinton’s relentless pursuit of power at any cost and the media’s narrative that she is above politics is what is most sickening about the whole Benghazi mess. She is a despicable self-serving politician with blood on her hands and it seems to be no big deal to fifty percent of the voting population of America.
K. T. McFarland nails it on the piece coming up with her editorial pointing out the real issue. The character trait of Hillary Rob’em Clinton matters not one iota to her supporters or others of the progressive ilk. This is the face of how power and the interminable search for it corrupts the soul. Her obfuscation qualifies her to remain in the ClintonCrimeFamily.
And where was Bill?
God help the United States.
Here’s how K. T. McFarland expressed it on FoxNewsOpinion…
I did not watch the Benghazi hearings, unlike many others, in hopes of catching Secretary Clinton out, with my ears perked up for some admission that could sink her presidential ambitions. Secretary Clinton did not disappoint in her performance on Thursday.
She admitted to no wrongdoing, nor to breaking any laws. Mistakes were made by others, the fault lies elsewhere. Secretary Clinton was far more adept at bobbing and weaving than the members of Congress who questioned her were at pinning her down.
She put up with hours and hours of questions, and no one laid a glove on her.
She brushed off blame by saying security decisions were handled at lower levels of the State Department professional staff, not by the secretary. She didn’t receive Ambassador Stevens’ requests for more security – implying that if only she had things might have turned out differently.
It was a masterful performance. She showed enormous discipline and nearly super-human stamina. She let nothing slip. But in the end she let everything slip. She got a perfect score, but failed the test. She didn’t mean to, but she showed us a glimpse into her soul.
It was chilling.
We now know that when Secretary Clinton met the plane carrying the bodies of the four Americans who died at Benghazi that the Obama administration had intially lied about what happened. She stood over the flag-draped coffins of four dead Americans knowing that the first narrative blamed their deaths on an Internet video, which caused a demonstration outside the consulate to turn into a deadly attack, when she already knew the truth.
She looked into the eyes of the families of the fallen heroes knowing all about that.
She always knew they died from a planned terrorist attack from an Al Qaeda-like group. That’s what she told her family and foreign leaders according to newly released emails. So why support the false narrative at the start? Because the Obama administration had an election to win eight weeks later, and a terrorist attack that killed four Americans didn’t fit into that plan.
President Obama asked voters to reelect him because he had killed Usama bin Laden. Al Qaeda was on the ropes. Qaddafi was dead and the Libyan war a success. The wave of war was a receding event. President George W. Bush’s War on Terror was over because Obama and Clinton had won it. A terrorist attack that killed Americans at Benghazi did not fit into that campaign narrative, so it had to be retold and spun into a different story. It wasn’t radical Islamist terrorists, but a spontaneous demonstration that got out of control in reaction to an obscure Internet video.
In the end, the Benghazi hearings probably didn’t change many minds.
Secretary Clinton’s supporters will say it was a waste of time, a politically motivated witchhunt. Secretary Clinton’s detractors will say she never answered the questions. But for me it wasn’t the questions or the answers that mattered. It wasn’t about negligence or criminality or incompetence.
Instead it was – and still is – about character. And Secretary Clinton has been found wanting.
The even greater tragedy is Secretary Clinton doesn’t think she did anything wrong. In today’s Washington integrity and truth telling – even to mourning families – take a backseat to the relentless pursuit of power.
No wonder the rest of the country wants to throw all the bums out.
Kathleen Troia “K.T.” McFarland is a Fox News National Security Analyst and host of’s “DefCon 3.” She served in national security posts in the Nixon, Ford and Reagan administrations.