It’s ‘a Republic, if you can keep it’….

Sobering thoughts from the comments thread which brought memories of both Presidents John F. Kennedy and Ronald Wilson Reagan (almost), to which yours truly (and others) believe that if PDJT goes to NYC, he’ll be killed. They “got” President Kennedy, almost President Reagan, and likely the devils from hell already have a perp picked out…

Bragging out the rear-view window!

Lydia, comments thread: The tsetse flies here are thick today. They would like to be judge, jury, and executioner of a man they irrationally hate for no reason other than they are the uncivilized drones of tyranny. They are here to say that their emotional insanity trumps our rights to defend freedom of thought and…

J6 Committee lied about everything

Finally and so succinctly, it would appear that real action regarding the outrageous demoMarxocrat “in your face criminal coverup” has finally come to light from three – three! – sources of great repute, regarding the abject falsity of the J6 outrage of 2020 referencing Sundance at Conservative Treehouse; Ted Noel and American Thinker; plus Joe…

Beware the foul fetid hand of doom!

“gueppebarre” comments thread: Sundance is spot on about this: republicans use power to get money, democrats use money to get power. Having watched Mitch for a long time – he’s a “use power to get money” person – he doesn’t care whether he’s majority leader or minority leader: but he does covet the “leader” element…