America first & agenda 47 in play

En Garde in the bunker…

The forces of evil POTUS Trump has been fighting for years since he came down the escalator is absolutely stunning. The strength of the entire Trump family is admirable, having no doubt, any idea of the number of threats they’ve faced over the years but thank God and all of the patriots who continue the righteous fight against evil. It’s sadly ironic how the DeepState has become so fixated on finding anything “bad” about Trump for all these years, BUT, whatever they IMAGINE from Trump or his family is EXACTLY what they begrudgingly and eventually admit the FJBiden’s have been doing for years – their hypocrisy beyond pathetic!

Within the attached speech, our fearless president Trump has not only called out the globalists and corrupt establishment (of both parties) – but has also called out many of the deep pocket-donors who are backing DeSantis. Would Ron make such a forceful vision statement as to his position were he to declare for 2024 appears to be that he will speak out any time against whoever he wants, regardless of who is throwing money his way. THAT encumbrance!

America first & agenda 47 in play. A pence for the earworm Spy Pence … Turncoat shows true colors as the enemy within…

On the other hand the Florida Governor must be very wary of offending those who are pouring money his way, and that he must also have those things in his heart as well. Why else would he be so absolutely silent on ALL the issues President Trump has brought up? And why else would he not make any attempt to clarify his position, whether he likes the President at all or not? Certainly some of the things he did for Florida were good; but he is NOT Presidential material; especially how apparently malleable he is in the hands of those with money. Under the leadership and guidance of President Trump however, he would be a far, far, better Vice-President than the spuriously-underhanded Mike Pence – THAT!

From a particular perspective, he was humbled by the sheer task he faced as president, and by the deep state support he received from many of us even as others sought to crucify him. He very much grew in skill and stature as well as humility. A critical mass of We the (90 million+) People, however, must also be willing to lay down our lives, fortunes and sacred honor in this critical fight for our nation.

Those of us really seeking truth and leadership to stand behind, know that relative to what’s out there, fearless President Trump is the only one truly qualified, and given the undeniable message of the ability he showed in moving almost every quality indicator in this nation during the time he had – and all against never before-seen opposition – there’s not likely anyone else more qualified to lead us into the opposition we face as a nation than this mighty Lion of God.

The nation is at a critical juncture to which We the (90 million+) People must rally and organize.

Sundance, Conservative Treehouse: ‘President Trump Releases Agenda-47 Policy Statement on Ukraine & America’ …

In a new Agenda47 video released today {Direct Rumble Link Here}, President Donald J. Trump explains the difference between the globalist establishment class, and those who are truly committed to stopping the Ukraine war and dismantling the entire neo-con nation-building industrial complex in Washington, D.C.

[Transcript] – “We have never been closer to World War III than we are today under Joe Biden. A global conflict between nuclear-armed powers would mean death and destruction on a scale unmatched in human history. It would be nuclear Armageddon. NOTHING is more important than avoiding that nightmare. We will avoid it. But we need new leadership.

Every day this proxy battle in Ukraine continues, we risk global war. We must be absolutely clear that our objective is to IMMEDIATELY have a total cessation of hostilities. All shooting has to stop. This is the central issue. We need PEACE without delay.

In addition, there must also be a complete commitment to dismantling the entire globalist neo-con establishment that is perpetually dragging us into endless wars, pretending to fight for freedom and democracy abroad, while they turn us into a third-world country and a third-world dictatorship right here at home. The State Department, the defense bureaucracy, the intelligence services, and all the rest need to be completely overhauled and reconstituted to fire the Deep Staters and put America First. We have to put America First.

Finally, we have to finish the process we began under my Administration of fundamentally reevaluating NATO’s purpose and NATO’s mission. Our foreign policy establishment keeps trying to pull the world into conflict with a nuclear-armed Russia based on the lie that Russia represents our greatest threat.

But the greatest threat to Western Civilization today is not Russia. It’s probably, more than anything else, ourselves and some of the horrible, U.S.A. hating people that represent us. It’s the abolition of our national borders. It’s the failure to police our own cities. It’s the destruction of the rule of law from within. It’s the collapse of the nuclear family and fertility rates, like nobody can believe is happening. It’s the Marxists who would have us become a Godless nation worshipping at the altar of race, and gender, and environment. And it’s the globalist class that has made us totally dependent on China and other foreign countries that basically hate us.

These globalists want to squander all of America’s strength, blood and treasure, chasing monsters and phantoms overseas—while keeping us distracted from the havoc they’re creating right here at home. These forces are doing more damage to America than Russia and China could ever have dreamed.

Evicting the sick and corrupt establishment is the monumental task for the next president. And I’m the only one who can do it. I’m the only one that can get the job done. I know exactly what has to be done.” [LINK]

Full link below…

America first & agenda 47 in play. Get rid of the turncoats – all of them including McConnell, Schumer, Soros and the rest

From a particular perspective, he was humbled by the sheer task he faced as president, and by the deep deep support he received from many of us even as others sought to crucify him. He very much grew in skill and stature as well as humility. A critical mass of We the (90 million+) People, however, must also be willing to lay down our lives, fortunes and sacred honor in this critical fight for our nation. I believe this nation is at a critical juncture. We the People must rally and organize.

November 2024 is a long ways away, and many battles to win just to get with PDJT at the election, then the fraud war to win. We must be building foundation for the long haul now. For yours truly, as Sundance has said, begin with our own relationship with absolute submission to God, know we are created free, act locally on self, family, community, church. Be bold with confidence and assurance.

How do you undo FJBiden’s blowing up Nord Stream? How do you bring back to life the 100,000 plus young Ukrainians killed fighting a futile War? How do you undo the Economic and Military strength of a China built by American Corporations and corrupt American Politicians? How do you find Diplomacy after burning down all avenues of Reason? America first & agenda 47 in play.

All points to ponder, and on that note, time for today’s MAGA Pill – Warrior-President Donald John Trump – Maga! – KAG!
