Democrat party malfeasant enemy..

On a morning when the duly-appointed President of the United States is on the cliffs of Normandy extolling the courage and sacrifice of The Greatest Generation, the mealy-mouthed reprobate who describes herself as a ‘leader’ of the demonic Democrat conglomerate of liars, gypsies, tramps, thieves, and malcontents steals the news headlines with her foul mouth that…

American Left no vision for future…

The American liberal-progressive Left lives in a fantasy world where firearms, violence, pornographic sex and rape are acceptable in the movies and video games they enjoy and profit from. In the real world however, this disconnect from reality pervades every aspect of their lives, thus they continue to live in a constant state of angst…

Big Left Media enemy number one

Who in their right mind these days believes anything the Big Left Media tosses out to them, especially-so following their swooning eight-year honeymoon fawning all over the specious and disastrous Obama administration. And who can forget what can only be described as a Barnum & Bailey circus clown act put on by the Big Left…

Obamunism and Clinton Collusion..

In his piece in today’s American Thinker which he calls “The Sun is Setting on America as Founded”, Steve McCann makes the following points: The structure set up by the founding fathers was genius; however, it had two severe drawbacks.  The first was acknowledged by John Adams when he wrote: “Our Constitution was made only for…