Add laptop dancing to the agenda….

Pardon yours truly, but briefly watching yesterday’s wretched display of OBO#44 at the White House, holding court while Biden wandered aimlessly – shades of William Wordsworth and “I wandered lonely as a cloud that floats on high o’er vales and hills” – was a very telling picture. Cintella-Kamala clung to #44’s arm like a new…

The finality of dr doom and gloom?

Grouchy-Fauci and the Medical Industrial Complex should all be charged under the RICO statutes for the perverse incentives put into place for payment to hospital/health care agencies on a prorated basis for positive COVID cases using watered down criteria and unreliable tests. Grouchy-Fauci mandated nationwide treatment of COVID patients with Remdesivir which caused 40% mortality…

Fauci is far, far away from “science”

WhiteHunter from comments thread: “I’m 100 pages into RFK’s frightening, alarming, infuriating, densely sourced and documented book now, having already finished “In Trump Time” and “What Really Happened in Wuhan.” “All three books are “must-reads” for every American citizen, patient, and medical professional, and should form the basis for the indictment, prosecution, conviction, and imprisonment…

Late great Codevilla & epic Faucifall

Two weeks to “flatten the curve” and two years to flatten the Constitution. We’ve had ample time to amend our basic law of the land. We can no longer hide behind the “arrival of Covid” excuse or the panicky “emergency powers” ruse that rogue governors, mayors and even a few dogcatchers are still hanging their…

American Mengele Faux Chi fraud..

To cut to the chase, let’s talk about the here and now: One Anthony Fauci, argued in 2012 that the risks of a lab accident sparking a pandemic were outweighed by the potential benefits of manipulating viruses via “gain-of-function research”. Dr. Mengele years earlier, had performed experiments that killed concentration camp prisoners including those who…

US Generals opting Chinese: no-go!

President Pretender O’biden, a village idiot with severe cognitive dementia following some 54 years in “Gubmint” with absolutely nothing to lay down in the “achievement box”, just threw away – and totally destroyed within the last month-plus – nearly twenty years of progress accomplished by the blood sweat and tears (and even the deaths) of…

Equality rules with totalitarianism?

Equality rules with totalitarianism … “The greatest temptation for the likes of us is to renounce violence, to repent, to make peace with oneself. Most revolutionaries fell before this temptation, from Spartacus to Danton and Dostoevsky; they are the classical form of betrayal of the cause. The temptations of God were always more dangerous for…

Democrats poisonous enemy within

Forget for a minute or two braggadocious Cruella de Vil, aka chocolate ice cream purveyor and $24,000-dollar ice box owner SanFranNanGran Pelosi and concentrate your thoughts on a much, much, broader conundrum to do with the Democrats hiding in full view. Full of misery and heartache under their 2020 invisible political uniforms, and denunciation of…