Islam Illumined by Great Minds…

Islam is not a civilization, it is a cancer which relentlessly devours and destroys civilizations. Just how long will Western Civilization put up with this cancer before putting it under the cosh and giving it a life-ending lobotomy?  George Santayana comes to mind with this: “Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change…

Obama the stuttering Telepromptee

You can see the Obama terror in his eyes when the teleprompter went down. He was lost. “Okey dokey”; “tweets”. The Clown Prince of Fools didn’t even know what he was talking about until the teleprompter came back on. This man-boy is a clown. A dangerous Obama the Clown Prince of Fools. This is what an affirmative action rogue faux president sounds…

Clinton EMail Saga Drawing Close..

Let’s face it right up front, folks. Hillary Clinton is guilty. Everyone knows it. The fact that she will walk (and likely run for president as the Democrat nominee) is just proof of the rampant corruption in American politics. Particularly since the dawn of the “Clinton Coming” back in 1992. Hillary Clinton has been a one-woman crime…

Path To Justice Fraught With Angst

From a decorated US Navy veteran and retired Department of Defense employee: “In 1992 I placed a CAD (Computer Aided Drafting) disc in my work computer at my desk, and played with it during my lunch hour. Because it used computer “bytes” I was accused of government theft. You would have thought that I stole the…

Bumbler Barack Buries Himself…

Coming up – Two puppets for The New World Order. I’ve been telling you for years now, that these two stick-heads are the epitome` of corrupt government action, and that Obama the Clown Prince of Fools is the half-white version of Cameron the Chameleon. Think Panama/Hawaii/Dubai(?) offshore “investments” that these two reprobates have been involved in. These guys…

The Ever-Recreating Planet Earth…

“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth his handiwork.” ~ Psalm 19:1 As I’ve mentioned many, many, times on the verisimilitude of the completely specious global warming scam, it’s absolutely hilarious how all of the world’s climate (ie political, and therefore includes Obama the Clown Prince of Fools) scientists pretend to ignore…

Saudi Arabia Blanket Trojan Horse

“If we wish to be free, if we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have so long been contending, if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have so long been engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until the glorious object of our contest…

The Danger of Islam Legerdemain

Islam is a gang culture. Its roots are nomadic. Its core is tribal. Work is done by slaves. Real men enslave. ~ Daniel Greenfield The Issue Isn’t Radicalization. It’s Islamization. Coming up, another masterful piece from Daniel Greenfield in FrontPageMagazine “The Fallacy of Focusing on Islamic Radicalization”; but first, a little personal commentary. Face it folks…

The Prevaricating President Liar…

1.) If you like your insurance plan, you can keep your insurance plan Number of mentions: 37 times ********** Obama can say it all he wants but regardless of how often or how loud he makes these assertions what he says will still not be true. “The same time as everybody else, through news reports”. How…

Requiem for Sanity Amid the Mess..

ON THIS GOOD FRIDAY 2016 IT WOULD BEHOOVE US ALL TO NOTE THAT THE CONTENT OF THE FOLLOWING IS CONSIDERED HATE SPEECH IN BRITAIN TODAY [AND MOST OF THE WESTERN WORLD FOR THAT MATTER] Winston Churchill, The River War, 1899… How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous…