Clock Ahmed As Islamic Front…

Musing about the dangers of life and how to avoid being “dangerized” so I went back to Obama’s Sunday night apology party, and his exhortation for us all to be on the lookout for things and people acting suspiciously. Then I came across this website from Homeland Security designed for We The People to “If…

Donald Trump and Let It Burn Plan

Scott Walker, a man elected 4 times as a Republican governor in Wisconsin, who has stood his ground against the uber-liberal teachers unions and WON, has core values. Ted Cruz, who went toe-to-toe with Republican leadership AND Obama and shut down the government in 2013, has core values. Carly Fiorina? If she doesn’t exude core…

Bill Whittle And Unlearning Stuff…

Another great, insightful, and appropriately-humorous presentation of an important relevant lesson from Bill Whittle and his Afterburner (I know, that’s not the best opening line, but) put another way, Bill Whittle once again illuminating a very important lesson in an entertaining and thought-provoking way; the question being, how did Americans become so stupid? Indeed, how stupid…

Top Five Most Racist Presidents…

In the newest edition of Afterburner, Bill Whittle sets the historical record straight on the difference between Democrats and Republicans when it comes to racism. The Republican Party was founded to end slavery while Democrats sought secession to preserve the practice. The Confederate flag, which is a big problem all of a sudden, was created by…

Sir, I Will Not Obey That Order…

If you were raised to despise the US military as a source of repression and injustice, and then, say, happened to get elected as its Commander-in-Chief — what would you do? As Bill Whittle shows in his latest FIREWALL, you don’t need to destroy the weapons and you don’t even need to fire the warriors.…

Leader Of The Free World Arises…

Scott Ott of PJMedia first described him thus … “a brave, thoughtful, serious man doing a brave, thoughtful serious job”. In this latest FIREWALL, Bill Whittle provides the amazing and disturbing contrast between the rogue fraud “president” of the United States and the authenticated leader of the free world. Bibi Netanyahu (ie the Scott Ott reference) in my…

Obama’s Dismantling Of America

Obama’s dismantling of America. From a guaranteed right to hormone therapy for transgendered illegal aliens, to a prospective Attorney General saying that illegals have the same right to a job as US citizens or legal immigrants, the ongoing sham of the Obama administration’s under-the-radar policies get seen in the light of day in Bill Whittle’s…

In Praise Of Black History Month..

In praise of black history month. Most Americans don’t know, nor even care, it appears, that February is designated “Black History Month”, having been instituted back in the good old days of 1976, when the United States celebrated the 200th year of its Declaration of Independence from Britain. Congress officially recognized the event led by President Gerald.…

Allahu Akbar Brand Of Terrorism

Allahu Akbar brand of terrorism. The practice of “Al Taqiyya” throughout Islam allows lying, deception, obfuscation and cheating to get your way over the infidels. One simply cannot trust any of them, period. Muslims are given full permission to lie to anyone who is not a Muslim under any condition, and ergo the world is under a massive…

Each Step Was So Inconsequential

“Each Step Was So Inconsequential .. To live in this process is absolutely not to be able to notice it” …  Well isn’t that interesting. Under the current rogue fraud “POTUS” we lost our AAA credit rating AND our #1 global economic position, which has been held since the late 1800s under Ulysses S. Grant.…