Prudent & Reasonable v Brexit Exit

A sentiment shared from the comments thread and prudent & reasonable: “34 years as a USN Submariner. I was willing to kill and die to save our great nation. Not sure now what I did that for, or if I will ask my boys to follow me. Can I even ask them to say the…

Orlando Obama’s Wounded Knee….

Following on from yesterday’s hit piece on the interventionist black AG currently aiding and abetting Islamic Jihadist Muslim Terrorism by removing any and all references to this devilish ideology of murder, mayhem, misogyny, and madness, welcome to Bill Whittle and his latest Firewall on the very topic. As we all know (well, we watchers on…

The Deadly Transgenderism Hoax…

Can we just get back to calling this what it is? Transgenderism is a mental disorder called “gender dysphoria” and should be treated as such. These people don’t need their own bathrooms or be allowed into the opposite sex’s bathrooms; they need help from a psychiatrist. We as a society need to stop trying to…

On Just WHO Invented Everything

The Social Justice Warriors (aka SJWs) – the first warriors to faint at the sight of a penknife – have a new weapon to show off their unearned moral superiority: CULTURAL APPROPRIATION, where mainstream culture steals from minorities without being “authentic.” Surprisingly Bill Whittle agrees with this, and has a list of grievances all his…

Bill Whittle Exposes Imperial Ryan

Somewhat of a small political potpourri today featuring Bill Whittle’s latest Firewall leading us into a detailed piece on the problems inherent in We The People’s Congress – aka Paul Ryan the DemoMarxist plant in the position of Speaker of the House, whose cunning and duplicity were very well camouflaged while he was Mitt Romney’s running mate.…

Dragon Slayer Trump to the Rescue

Confucius said it a long time ago (Rectification of Names). George Orwell wrote about it, Hans Christian Andersen had his version, but whilst we read and nodded wisely, we were too smart to ever go down that path ourselves and discounted it. “Wretchard the Cat” (AKA Richard Hernandez) at Belmont Club talks far more insightfully…

Motorcity Detroit Destruction Pains

As most of you are aware, I’ve featured numerous times on this blog the catastrophic demise of the greater Detroit Metroplex, accompanied by pitiful pics of today’s city-wide devastation and destruction. All as a result of uninterrupted Democrat/DemoMarxist governance over periods of multiple decades. As a result of LBJs “Great Society” program of 1964-65, the…

Lies & Fairy Tales of Hillary Clinton

Hey kiddos, it’s time for Uncle Bill Whittle to read a story, a charming tale about a super breed of woman, a true leader from birth, Hillary Rob’em Clinton, so gather round and make yourselves comfortable. But before we get to the story a few remarks about who Hillary truly is, and how she got…

A Republic (If You Can Keep It)…..

Anyone who doesn’t realize we are now living in a tyrannical State where a political assassination at the highest level just occurred isn’t really paying attention. The rush to cremation pretty much closes the case while we come to the realization that we’re up against Luciferians – so politics won’t work. But isn’t that the problem? “They” are doing this…

Trump The Conundrum To Face……

On the morning of the Iowa Caucuses, I begin the week with Bill Whittle’s latest Afterburner in which he brings a sober-thinking mind to the seeming madness perpetrated by one, Donald Trump – A case of the Latin, Caveat Emptor (translated as “Let the buyer beware”) in a seller’s market. I believe that weaning America off of…