Scatter-shooting While Wondering…

Scatter-shooting while wondering what Obama will throw into his Friday “dump” this time … First up is an interesting study of body-language from Neil Cavuto as he is “forced” to listen to the great one, Mark Levin, castigate one of Cavuto’s fellow-Fox Commentators, Karl (take-no-prisoners) Rove. One can quickly surmise that there’s no love lost…

The Prevaricating President : The Alinskyite-Marxist Myth Exposed

Psycho-analyzing Barack Hussein Obama would doubtless take an experienced professional shrink a lifetime career to get to the bottom of. The fraudulent “president” is as serial a liar as anyone who has been labeled as such, likely having taken perpetual deception to heights seldom seen since the devil (deceptively hiding in the guise of a…