Islam Illumined by Great Minds…

Islam is not a civilization, it is a cancer which relentlessly devours and destroys civilizations. Just how long will Western Civilization put up with this cancer before putting it under the cosh and giving it a life-ending lobotomy?  George Santayana comes to mind with this: “Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change…

Rogue Fraud “president” Al Taqiyya

Well, where to begin with the rogue fraud “president” al taqiyya. I am honestly almost at a complete loss of words to describe what this rogue fraud “president” managed to get out over the airwaves last night. I’ve purposely posted the complete nonsense (that to the uneducated, likely sounds like a “plan”) of 15-minutes length, but will…

The Al Taqiyya President : AWOL In Motion…

Putting all rhetoric aside, Americans who support Obama need to ask themselves one question and answer truthfully. Do you support Obama because in your heart and mind you think he is an honest and worthy leader or because of his skin color? If you still support him because of his race, then you are part of…

Muslim Brotherhood Infiltration Continues Unabated…

The Minnesota Muslim Brotherhood member featured in the first video is one of the doormen to helping Islamic Jihadist Muslim Terrorists enter the USA and take up residence inside this rogue administration to facilitate private arrangements outside of Congress with other infiltra(i)tors. Miserable traitor. This liberal whack-job was praising the Justices two years ago when Obamacare was in front…