When a church abandons its principles for social engineering, it becomes a church no more. The very same sinful behaviors that led God in the first instance to eradicate mankind in a worldwide Flood, and in the second to bring fire and brimstone raining down on Sodom & Gomorrah to a depth of 300 feet, are now running rampant throughout our society and across the globe generally; reined-in occasionally by the hordes “protecting” Islam (while at the same time allowing pedophilia, selling young girls into sex-slavery, homosexuality, bestiality and whatever else kind of “alities” to rage on unabated). We have been warned of God many times to be wary of our sinful addictions, that we not bring his judgmental wrath pouring down on us again, with the apostle Peter being more specific than others in prophesying that “the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.” ~ II Peter 3:7
Talking about social engineering, I will never forget a trip up to Denver, Colorado a year or so after Columbine, and being confronted in downtown Denver with crowds protesting/supporting the proposed acceptance of homosexual preachers within the Presbyterian Church, who were holding their annual conference in Denver that particular year; things got a mite “testy” to say the least. Now it seems so mainstream to have sinners running the asylum, not only in the Presbyterian church, but in all mainstream denominations. God is not mocked, but it has to be said that the decline in the Episcopal and other Protestant churches is due to a rejection of Jesus Christ. Plain and simple. Look at any denomination. If it supports homosexual anything, then the local parishes are near empty. Even the rejection of standard English for the secular feminist gender neutral language empties churches, which can only be saved by returning to Christ and his teachings. Sadly, none currently show any interest in Jesus and his ways; rather more are they just indeed engaging in social engineering.
Jeff Walton with more from his piece in American Spectator…
News of the impending divorce of retired Episcopal Church Bishop Gene Robinson from Husband Mark Andrew swept into the papers this past weekend. In what was no doubt a pre-planned rollout, a statement was released to Robinson’s former diocese on a Saturday, followed by a guest column in the Daily Beast in which Robinson opined about the concluding relationship, which only became a legally recognized marriage in 2011.
“The details of our situation will remain appropriately private,” Robinson wrote in what is surely wishful thinking — apparently believing that his announcement justifies a column in a major online daily, but that it will go no further. Robinson is a public figure, his same-sex marriage a central part of his public ministry (and his book released last year). Episcopalians as a bunch love to talk, and all will eventually be made known.
Far from scandalous, divorced officials have become all too common in the oldline church, with some thrice-married bishops outdoing even Robinson’s two failed unions. (The first ended in 1986.)