Skrule Britannia : Pax Britannia Redux In Obamaland

John Fund...

And in America people are compelled under penalty of law (which the President gets to interpret, not the courts) to purchase a product they would not need except for the fact that the law also resulted in the discontinuation of a perfectly good product that they already had. The President also gets to decide which laws his administration will enforce and under what conditions they will be enforced. Under his reign he has also granted amnesty to millions illegally resident in the United States. All this while states like Texas must utilize state resources to place special weapons teams on the border; use state police as de facto border control officers; and maintain armored and armed gunboats to patrol the waters of the Rio Grande just to protect their citizens from foreign criminal incursions; something which is a basic function of the federal government. Britain may be too politically correct, but at least they have a CONSTITUTIONAL MONARCHY, not an absolute one. Skrule Britannia pax continues…