Rogue Fraud “president” Climate Scam…

Go Ahead, Make ...

Go Ahead, Make …

It really is stunning in its efficacy, or rather the efficacy of the rogue fraud “president” to continue on his insane, inane, conjecture that global warming/cooling – or whatever else they’ve taken to calling it these days (who knows?) is a greater threat than insane, murdering, Muhammadan Islamic Muslim Jihadists from the Barbary coast and the deserts of Arabia, whose sole aim is to wipe all non-Muslims off the planet – most favorably by beheading the unfortunates while recording it all on video-cams. Between the rogue fraud “president” and the traitor from 1971 John “Genghis-Khan-Heinz-Baked-Beans-Kerry” and a few others, it’s a coin-toss difference alone as to who is the most insane and belongs in the padded cell.

Following his “bombs-way” order after promising, and promising, and promising that this was not “war” the rogue fraud “president” showed up among all his other dictators at the disUnited Nations yesterday attempting to put on his best General George Pattonesque demeanor to vow that he would not rest until global warming had been soundly defeated. Anybody else but me wondering how stupidly insane he sounded? Goodness only knows who writes his teleprompter sentences but they also need to be with him and Kerry in the padded cells.

Someone needs to remind the rogue fraud “president” that there is NO global warming; nor climate change; nor heating, nor threats from CO2. And even if there were, there’s very little we can do about it! “Waddya gonna do” as one wag put it, “turn the Sun down?” Besides which, there’s the global-warming scam evidential-proof in the well-read and scholarly-constructed “Watts Up With That” (WUWT) which to date, has a visitor count of 202,344,579 and counting. Proof of a scam? – you betchya!

Obama disdain salute..

Obama disdain salute..

In today’s American Spectator, George Neumayr has a revealing piece on the rogue fraud “president” and his outrageous performance at the disUnited Nations. Stepping out of Helicopter One and half-heartedly “saluting” the marines with coffee-cup in hand, little did we know that he was setting the tone for his appearance. “Leadership We Don’t Need” Neumayr calls it, and who are we to dispel that notion. But hey, here’s a thought – Maybe if we can concoct a story that it’s the Islamic Jihadist Muslim Terrorists who are causing global warming/climate change because of all the weaponry, and bombings and rocket-propellants, maybe he’ll get serious and become as zealously-engaged in defeating them as he is in bringing global warming under control. Rogue fraud “president” climate scam…

George Neumayr...

George Neumayr…

The one issue on which Obama is not leading the world from behind is climate change. He usually recommends that global problems be approached cautiously. The motto of his foreign policy is: “Don’t Do Stupid Stuff.” But on matters environmental, his policy is to do plenty of stupid stuff. He is bound and determined to lead from the front on climate change, which translates into damaging America’s economy while China, India, and Russia, among other powers, ignite theirs. Top officials from these powers aren’t bothering to attend this week’s United Nations event on climate change, as they have no intention of following Obama’s lead. Strangling jobs and businesses for the sake of a trendy theory is seen by them as a Western luxury. As Obama prides himself on stunting economic growth in pursuit of a phantom solution to climate change, China sprints ahead of the American economy.

The leaders of most developing countries can see that the assertion of catastrophic climate change and the solution proposed for its elimination are both equally unconvincing. They know that they can’t control the weather but that they can control poverty within their countries. Obama has announced this week that he wants all federal agencies interacting with the world to serve as climate change activists. His executive order authorizes them to promote what White House officials call “climate resilience,” a new euphemism for the supposed protection that comes from the non-solution that is carbon reduction. The executive order will mean encouraging other countries to join America in a fruitless and destructive regulation of economic activity. True American foreign aid to these countries would be to leave their economies alone. They might as well turn down American money if the condition required for accepting “international development” help is that they not develop their economies.

Obama at UN climate scam...

Obama at UN climate scam…

These countries are told that a man-generated climate crisis is an ironclad fact, but all they would have to do is read former Obama administration official Steven Koonin’s piece in the Wall Street Journal to know that that claim is a mere opinion:

My training as a computational physicist—together with a 40-year career of scientific research, advising and management in academia, government and the private sector—has afforded me an extended, up-close perspective on climate science. Detailed technical discussions during the past year with leading climate scientists have given me an even better sense of what we know, and don’t know, about climate. I have come to appreciate the daunting scientific challenge of answering the questions that policy makers and the public are asking.

The crucial scientific question for policy isn’t whether the climate is changing. That is a settled matter: The climate has always changed and always will. Geological and historical records show the occurrence of major climate shifts, sometimes over only a few decades. We know, for instance, that during the 20th century the Earth’s global average surface temperature rose 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit.


Sources Watts Up With That; American Spectator; personal archives…