Hillary Clinton/Saul Alinsky : Radical Rulers Indeed…

En Garde In The Bunker

En Garde In The Bunker

Saul Alinsky embraced evil. He taught evil. He dedicated his book “Rules For Radicals” to evil. Hillary Clinton dedicated herself to the teachings of a disciple of evil. It’s written all over her cold, devious face. “They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns then it will be through the bullet.” Why don’t Republicans simply stand on the floor of the Senate or House, make a scene, and read Alinsky quoting Lenin in Rules for Radicals? The public needs to know about Alinsky’s intent, and Hillary Clinton’s devotion to it. The ideological blood lines run straight from Lenin to Hillary, and Americans need to hear the ruthless, evil thinking that killed tens of millions of Soviet citizens – and turned Hillary on. Hillary Clinton/Saul Alinsky : radical rulers indeed…

While Hillary sat at Alinsky’s feet to absorb his “wisdom,” Alinsky sat at the feet of Frank Nitti, Chicago gangster and Al Capone’s proxy “executive,” to absorb his criminal “wisdom” on how to win friends and make enemies. Then, of course, there’s Obama, an Alinsky man from head to toe. And it all took place in Chicago, capital of corrupt politics after Washington D.C. How appropriate! Really, do people need to be hit over the head a thousand times to see the connection between these criminals? I think they ought to be. Hillary Clinton and Obama’s ideology of power and exercising it, is Frank Nitti’s, by way of Alinsky. Bill Clinton was too busy pinching women’s butts and pawing at their private parts to bother much with ideology, but his wife too, was likely his mentor as well. Hillary was the harridan behind his throne. Hillary Clinton/Saul Alinsky : radical rulers indeed…

Saul Alinsky...

Saul Alinsky…

In this powerful piece from today’s FrontPage Magazine, Daniel Greenfield explores/exposes the personal connection between Hillary Clinton and her political mentor, and the pervasive impact he has had on her entire career. Pathological lying, criminal cover-ups, the Rose Law firm’s billing records/White-Watergate, Travelgate, sex and cigars in the Oval Office, Benghazi, and on, and on, and on. The Clinton Mafiosi playbook has many chapters, and the cover-up is a longstanding favorite. A few historical reminders are necessary for those who didn’t live through them; and it all began with Hillary Clinton/Saul Alinsky : radical rulers indeed…

Daniel Greenfield, Hillary Will be Alinsky’s Third Term:

Daniel Greenfield...

Daniel Greenfield…

After two terms in the White House by one Alinsky disciple, the United States is divided as never before. One in four Americans are ready for their state to secede from the United States. Three quarters of Americans don’t believe that their children will have a better future than they did. To anyone else this would be a failure, but to an Alinskyite despair and doom are a success story. Saul Alinsky wrote in Rules for Radicals that the organizer must “rub raw the resentments of the people of the community; fan the latent hostilities of many of the people to the point of overt expression.” He must make the people “feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so futureless in the prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and chance the future.”

Obama has made Americans feel frustrated, defeated, futureless and lost. And if they were hoping that the next Democrat will actually bring hope and change, instead of hatred and despair, they will be deeply disappointed. While Obama learned his community organizing skills at the feet of Alinsky’s twisted disciples, Hillary Clinton learned them from Alinsky. Hillary is even worse than Obama. In the introduction to her senior thesis on Alinsky, Hillary Rodham thanked him for his time and for offering her a job. But those dispassionate words were covering up a much deeper relationship.

The Free Beacon’s recent release of an exchange of letters begins with Hillary anxiously waiting for the release of Rules for Radicals. “Has it come and I somehow missed the fulfillment of Revelation?” the former Methodist “Goldwater Girl” turned radical leftist wonders. “You are being rediscovered again as the New Left-type politicos are finally beginning to think seriously about the hard work and mechanics of organizing,” she writes.

In her thesis, Hillary had attempted to depict Alinsky as a mainstream American icon, writing, “His are the words used in our schools and churches, by our parents and their friends, by our peers. The difference is that Alinsky really believes in them”. The media attempted to defend her Alinsky ties by claiming that he was not ideologically of the left. Hillary’s letter however gives the lie to that. Alinsky was not mainstream. There was nothing American about him. He was a man of the hard left. As his dedication of Rules for Radicals confirms:

Opening page – Dedication

“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history… the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.

For Alinsky, Hillary Rodham represented a connection to the future … Continues

Sources, FrontPage Magazine; Washington Free Beacon; American Spectator, and personal archives…