As M. Catherine Evans describes it in her piece coming up from American Thinker: “In 2008, Obama, like all socialists, promised his followers a land of milk and honey. Eight years later, he’s delivered unemployment, poverty, food stamps, violence in the streets, open borders, drug cartels, heroin overdoses, terrorist attacks on our own soil, $10 trillion more debt, no economic growth, and radical Supreme Court judges. He has generally corrupted all three branches of government.”[end]
Yup. In other words, Obama the Clown Prince of Fools has done what liberal progressive Marxists do – they damage the country, create and/or worsen serious problems, and then – wait for it – Blame others!
After EIGHT YEARS of blaming his administration’s laughable underperformance on GWB and the fiendish Republicans, “Jug Ears” has apparently now moved on to blaming Trump, John Wayne, and we “crazy right-wing media” types.
Meanwhile, with millions of Americans out of work, FORTY-SIX MILLION on food stamps, almost NO economic growth, nearly $20 TRILLION in national debt, ObozoCare proving an astonishingly injurious, overly-expensive and abject disaster, China growing more militaristic, ISIS on the move, Libya a disaster, Syria aflame, and Russia saber-rattling, all while taking aircraft carriers on a leisurely cruise through the English Channel into the Mediterranean…
With all this world-wide demagoguery going on, Skinny Boy Barry is now prattling on about Trump’s buildings, and John Wayne’s manhood. Quote from article: “In America we have this strong bias toward individual action. You know, we idolize the John Wayne hero who comes in to correct things with both guns blazing. But individual actions, individual dreams, are not sufficient. We must unite in collective action, build collective institutions and organizations.”[end]
This, folks, is pure Karl Marx. Pure Karl Marx.
My God, but these liberal progressive Marxists are just unconscionable. No wonder they need affirmative action to get their pathetic, incompetent, unqualified supporters into positions of power. Obama’s real beef with Trump? Trump actually did build something when Obama couldn’t hammer together a pre-cut birdhouse.
Famed Country and Western musical group Confederate Railroad, describing a particularly nasty ex-girlfriend and, inadvertently, Obama the Clown Prince of Fools (and much of the National Football League):
“She never cried when old Yeller died
She wasn’t washed in the blood of the lamb
She never stood up for the star spangled banner
And she wasn’t a John Wayne fan.”
“Talk low, talk slow, and don’t say too much”.
Obama whines while Trump shines.
Barack Obama can’t stop talking about presidential candidate Donald Trump. Obama’s recent stump speeches campaigning for Hillary Clinton are all about Trump. The billionaire real estate mogul is living inside Mr. Obama’s head day and night.
Obama’s obsession is understandable.
Trump embodies the socialist’s worst nightmare. In 2008, Obama, like all socialists, promised his followers a land of milk and honey. Eight years later, he’s delivered unemployment, poverty, food stamps, violence in the streets, open borders, drug cartels, heroin overdoses, terrorist attacks on our own soil, $10 trillion more debt, no economic growth, and radical Supreme Court judges. He has generally corrupted all three branches of government.
Along comes Trump, threatening, in Obama’s own words, to “reverse progress” of Obama’s last two terms.
Trump, the unapologetic, affluent, determined, and tough-minded individualist, is everything Obama is not.
As a community organizer in Chicago, Obama and his senior adviser, slum lady Valerie Jarrett, left rat-infested condemned buildings behind them in their rise to power.
By contrast, Trump’s golf courses, hotels, and residential skyscrapers are some of the finest in the world. And then, on June 16, 2015, Trump had the audacity to take a grand escalator ride at Trump Tower with the equally tough-minded Melania and announce that he was running for president.
The showdown between a socialist state and the founding fathers’ vision for America had begun.
Continues in American Thinker…