Obama Agenda No Lingering Doubt

En Garde In The Bunker

En Garde In The Bunker

That the rogue fraud “president” is intent on installing an Islamic Caliphate right here in the United States should be clear by now, to anyone with two eyes and half a brain. Obo’s loyalties have always tilted towards our enemies, and it’s just too bad we don’t have any opposition representing We The People on Capitol Hill. Well, I somewhat take that back, since we do indeed have the likes of Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton and the 45 other sane senators who put Iran and Obama on notice as to their nefarious intentions towards the Constitutional Republic – The Obama agenda no lingering doubt.

In this piece from today’s Truth Revolt, William Pollack explains how the Obama regime has spent the last 6 years acclimating the American people to dictatorship. Incrementally but daily and broadly, the American populace have had their liberties and wealth attacked, and their identity as a “free people” rewritten; it’s amazing the rest of the world recognizes what a danger Obama is, but the rank and file DemoMarxist apparatchiks cannot cotton on to the Obama agenda no lingering doubt.

A traitor to remember...

At this point in this man’s term I can’t understand how anybody can defend him. Let history record that Obama was only able to do what he has done because of Liberal-Progressive-Alinskyite-DemoMarxist support. Reid, Pelosi, Schumer, Feinstein, Holder, Maxine Waters, Biden, Heinz Baked Beans, the Clintonistas, the Congressional Black Caucus, etc., etc. – heck just take all the names that voted for the disastrous Obamacare and be done with it. Wishful thinking and projection is all they come up with to defend this fraud, and like the doomed passengers on the Titanic, if We The People don’t get rid of the fraud sooner rather than later, he’ll take us all down with him, as hell-bent as he is to satisfy his Islamic Jihadist Muslim Brotherhood handlers. Obama agenda no lingering doubt.

logo-2xThere is no lingering doubt which side President Obama is on. Only brazen oblivious-to-reality people still rationalize continued support of his inexplicably dangerous and erratic decision-making. Obama’s scandals are overwhelming as one exposure quickly fades into another cover-up. American racial and political divisiveness have not been greater in generations. His foreign policy decisions are those only an enemy could love. Surreal, isn’t it, when the Prime Ministers of Israel and Canada warn of the dangerous spread of Islamic terrorism with greater clarity and conviction than the President of the United States. Even more astounding, the Saudis and Jordanians are doing something about it.

After six years, would it be correct to assume “the smartest man in the room” deplores his own country and its glorious history? Are we truly only as exceptional as Greece as he has suggested?

What is the present state of long-time, once iron-clad security agreements with our friends, particularly Israel; the only stable, free and loyal American ally left in the Middle East? Isn’t it embarrassing to witness Mr. Obama’s duplicitous animosity toward the Jewish State boil over like that of a petulant temperamental child? His support of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and others in that region also waned as he salivates for a nuclear deal with the Iranians; the world’s largest purveyor of international terrorism.

How could the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize capitulate to an Islamic extremist regime screeching “death to America” as often and commonly as we would ask “how is your day”? That capitulation could well lead to World War III. Iran is the antithesis of a peaceful, trustworthiness state. Yet Obama’s potential agreement will give rise to Iranian hegemony over the Middle East and much of the globe, with America its prime target. The proliferation of nuclear weapons into the hands of other extremist groups and terrorist-supporting nations could well be the result of Obama’s weak-kneed collapse of sanctions and refusal to use a military threat to destroy Iran’s nuclear bomb making capacity.

Obama recrimination...

Obama recrimination…

Iran is led by a regime glorifying death and destruction, whether inside or outside their borders. The Supreme Leader of Iran has suggested his own country and people might willingly burn if it also means the destruction of America and the elimination of Israel; the two great “satanic” powers. The Islamic regime’s citizens have no rights. Political prisoners rot in captivity, women are stoned to death and lack even minimal human rights as gays are hung from cranes in the center of their cities.

Take note, not a word from the shameful hypocritical halls of liberalism.

To a stunned world, Mr. Obama’s legacy will be to tout an agreement, any agreement with Iran as his foreign policy success story. Against the laws of the land, he has threatened to bypass the American people by rejecting the advice and consent of Congress and pursuing a nuclear agreement with Iran which only a suicidal fool would support.

All this makes one wonder if our Narcissist in Chief believes someday the world’s Muslims will turn toward Mecca and bow to his memory as the one who resurrected the Arab Caliphate and civilization was forever dangerously altered.

William Pollack is a TV/radio station and movie theater owner based in Memphis, TN.

Obama agenda no lingering doubt…