Way back when, in the very early days of British television, we kiddo’s were raised on one of the first programs ever to grace the BBC TV channel – ‘Muffin the Mule.’ For those with inquisitive minds, there’s a video link down at the bottom for your entertainment.
Who knew that some 70 years later, Muffin the Mule would reappear in human form under the guise of a guy called Mueller. ‘Mewler’ begat ‘Muller’ for reasons unknown, but for current purposes Muller goes well with Muffin the Mule.
Could it possibly be that Mueller / Muller / Muffin the Mule waited till AG William (Bill) Barr was in Alaska for a previously scheduled conference before he pulled out his back stabbing knife? Or is it that Muller-Muffin the Mule defaced himself to himself by himself in front of the world because he’s too damned important to be accountable to anyone else but himself?
Himself, are you listening?
We learned early on that this egghead was supposedly palsy-walsy with AG William (Bill) Barr, and their wives attended the same Bible Study group together. As ever, ‘beware the wolf in sheep’s clothing’.
Following the release of the Muller-Muffin-the-Mule 30-month, $35 million dollar waste of we taxpayers’ time and money, AG William (Bill) Barr specifically noted that he had a telecom with Muller-Muffin the Mule, wherein he pointedly inquired as to whether Muller-Muffin the Mule resisted advocacy of a Trump indictment due to his immunity from such action via his presidency. Muller-Muffin the Mule apparently assured his pretend buddy with the result that such was NOT the case.
In his 12-minute mess of lies, lies, and fairy-tales however (I felt sure at one point he was actually about to cry) Muller-Muffin the Mule went twice around the language rose-bush that presidential immunity from prosecution was paramount in his decision to avoid any such advocacy.
So which is it?
Muller-Muffin the Mule is a lying sack of Schiff & Nadler, who, should he ever be forced to testify (Lindsey Graham wake up PLEASE and actually DO something) will be shredded upside and down by Nunes, Jordan and Meadows; which is exactly why Brooklyn fats-Nadler will never subpoena him.
Thomas Lifson, today’s American Thinker: ‘Mueller’s shameful exaggeration of Russia’s interference’…
And ‘sundance’, Conservative Treehouse: Robert Mueller delivers opening statement
Thomas Lifson is on point as far as he goes, but the larger question is why he didn’t examine the influence by other players in the election – Mexico for instance. Tucker Carlson had a piece last night that laid out the particulars, with Mexican officials openly advocating for Mexican-Americans to register and vote (clearly for the DemoMarxocrats), to maintain their separate Mexican identity and not to assimilate.
So much for ‘God and Country’.
Muller-Muffin the Mule’s 12-minute press statement without taking / answering any questions was designed to poison the well one more time. That’s the ultimate irony. His bogus investigation was supposedly meant to prevent outside actors like Russia from undermining American statehood.
But his sham investigation was really an attempted coup that has divided and undermined trust in America’s institutions beyond anything the Russians could have hoped for. Russia thanks you, Mr. Muller-Muffin the Mule.
‘A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly … For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims … He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city … A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.’
In addition to the mantle of what Marcus Tullius Cicero describes you as Mr. Muller-Muffin the Mule, you have earned a generous bonus with the ‘Order of Lenin’ medal.
Wear it proudly. You traitor. And good riddance.
Thank God it’s time for today’s MAGA Pill – Warrior-President Donald J. Trump – MAGA!
Don’t miss this 5-minute clip of Muffin the Mule
Thomas Lifson, American Thinker: Mueller offers sly impeachment bait