Mr Sandmann op-ed to Rittenhouse

Go ahead, make my…

As the father of three sons all of whom have acquitted themselves very well over the years, both employment-wise and marriedly (yes, it’s a real word!) and who consistently achieve greatness in their accomplishments, I was rather fortunate enough this morning to slide into a wonderful piece from Nicholas Sandmann (remember him?) from Britain’s Daily Mail taken up by The Daily Wire. Talk about real character at an age where such character is not developed as of yet.

Much is due to the situation Sandmann has been battling since that fateful day in January of 2019 when he became the target of an outrageous, deplorable, and completely unAmerican character assassination from the totally demonic leftist-demoMarxocrat outlets calling themselves “news organizations”, which in the opinion of yours truly, ought better to be referred-to as “outlawed noose neckers” than anything else!

Yet here we are soon to be 3 years on from his own testing and here he is in an effort to teach another, publicly extending a hand to help Kyle Rittenhouse traverse a path he is now most familiar with himself. This is how it starts. Such situations require boys and girls to become men and women much younger to preserve their future.

Mr Sandmann op-ed to Rittenhouse

While it may not be a traditional war with soldiers, there’s definitely death on the hands of the specious media and holding them accountable until they’re bankrupt might as well be the beaches of Normandy, not to disregard nor disparage those who fought and still fight within our global skirmishes with flesh and blood; not all wars are won by the bullets going foward.

You see, folks (going back to my three and their spouses) this is the difference between conservative kids and leftist kids. Conservative kids follow the rules. stand up for their rights and just want to coexist peacefully. They aren’t ashamed of their political beliefs, but they don’t go out of their way to get into arguments with leftist demoMarxocrats either. Leftist kids are constantly staging protests on college campuses, screeching about white students in “black spaces” and getting teachers fired for not buying into CRT or the anti-GOD gender ideology. Strewth!

Well may the cards be shown in the favor of Kyle Rittenhouse. More to the point may the media have to pay him up to 10 times and more what Nicholas Sandmann is pocketing and make these American-hating elitist traitors grovel for the scraps under We the (90 million+) People’s tables. It’s well past time. Mr Sandmann op-ed to Rittenhouse.

Ian Hayworth, Daily Wire: Sandmann to Rittenhouse: ‘You Don’t Have to Face it Alone’ …

“The parallels between me and Kyle Rittenhouse are impossible not to draw,” wrote Nicholas Sandmann, the Covington Catholic High School student who became embroiled in a national story based on the false claim that he was the aggressor in a widely-published exchange with a Native American activist, Nathan Phillips.

“Kyle was 17-years-old when he became a household name after that terrible tragedy in Kenosha,” Sandmann explained in an op-ed for Daily Mail. “I was 16-years-old when I was catapulted into the national conversation by video of an encounter with a Native American activist on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.”

Sandmann noted that Rittenhouse “was almost immediately labelled a ‘white supremacist’ and a ‘domestic terrorist,’” and “To many, my red MAGA hat clearly meant that I was a racist.”

“Kyle wasn’t given his day in court by his critics,” Sandmann wrote. “And neither was I.”

Sandmann argued, “The attacks on Kyle came from the national news media, just as they came for me,” and “They came quickly, without hesitation, because Kyle was an easy target that they could paint in the way they wanted to.”

“This is the problem with liberal media outlets in the United States. They want to get the story first, get the most views, make the most money, and advance the agenda from liberal patrons,” Sandmann stated. “These outlets cover themselves when they are wrong with small footnotes at the ends of long articles, clarifying that new information has come out and that they have updated their coverage.”

After arguing that “News shouldn’t be a scoreboard that constantly changes,” Sandmann said that “every single label on Kyle as a ‘terrorist,’ ‘white supremacist,’ and ‘school shooter’ in the streets of Kenosha, will only ever be withdrawn after the damage has been done.”

Sandmann then spoke out against specific figures. [-]

[+] …Sandmann then continued to discuss the subject of defamation cases, describing them as “some of the hardest cases to win.”

“I personally am still involved in six media lawsuits as January approaches marking three years since the confrontation took place at the March for Life,” Sandmann stated. “So, if Kyle is prepared to take on another burden in his early life, with the acceptance that it might result in nothing, I answer, give it a shot and hold the media accountable.”

“One of the saddening parts of this media onslaught is that it has taken young people like Kyle and myself to expose how corrupt the media really is,” Sandmann concluded. “From my own experience, I know that this cannot be easy for Kyle. While I have waited to comment on the facts of Kyle’s case until the trial ends. I cannot hold back on the media’s public execution of him before the trial has concluded.”

“At this time I would like to use my platform to let Kyle know that I am here for you and if you ever would like to reach out to me, I am about the only person our age to have an idea of how the media is treating you,” Sandmann wrote. “The way the media has treated you is terrible, and you don’t have to face it alone.” [end]

Full link below plus full Daily Mail….

Mr Sandmann op-ed to Rittenhouse

The still relatively-young Mr. Sandmann has always been a remarkable young man and he has proven it true yet again. He speaks the truth eloquently and without fear and one would hope that Kyle follows in his footsteps (yours truly thinks he’s already there) and holds them accountable the only way they can be ie (in their pocketbook!)

As for the lamestreams, the so-called mainstream media is now the equivalent of Russia’s PRAVDA where one can’t believe a single thing they say. The days of being able to call news “news” have gone way, way over the top. The demoMarxocrats and the lamestream media are just one big socialist propaganda machine with all of them being in bed together.

Kyle Rittenhouse is already a hero. He can continue the fight, and I hope he does. But it’s his call. He’s shown his character and has his scars. Yours truly for one can only wish Kyle peace and a slice of the dream he fights to protect. Some people don’t ever “get over” things like this, but I have presence of mind enough that the young man has family and people around him who can keep him on the “up and up”; that he finds a way to make peace with it all and the satisfaction that he has done right, no matter what some people might say. The world is a much better place for his actions, and I would hope he finds solace in that. Mr Sandmann op-ed to Rittenhouse.

And on that note, time for today’s MAGA Pill – President Donald John Trump – MAGA! KAG! – Make America Great Again with the likes of young folks like Nicholas Sandmann and Kyle Rittenhouse !!!
