Making Trump great again matters!

En Garde in the bunker…

The forever question isn’t what President Donald John Trump did during the term, but what he was well-prepared to do, and should’ve been able to do, were it not for the cabal (Leftists, RINOs, demoMarxocrats etal) that prevented him, and his magnificent team by stealing the 2020 election. Imagine if you will, had We the (90 million+) People have had true democracy – where a visionary leader by the will of the majority is permitted to lead and supported in the execution of the programs – just think about where we’d be right now!

Although most of the ignorant people passing for “citizens” fail to grasp this, the United States is a republic, not a democracy. Many who vote shouldn’t do so, as they haven’t the slightest clue what the rights and duties of citizens are in a republic built on the principle of Federalism – the “Gimme faction” of the electorate. The same people who believe Social Security and Medicare are the XXVIIIth Amendment to the Constitution, can’t understand that citizens have a DUTY to subdue an out-of-control, unconstitutional D.C. cabal. Like the leftist, demoMarxocrat anti-Americans for instance.

Making Trump great again matters! Streaming future-forward anyone?

President Trump for the most part doesn’t have to do anything beyond being the great President he is who, despite anything else, won’t stop the personal attacks on he and his family from the despicable anti-Americans currently in the throes of destroying everything USA. They won’t guarantee his rightful place in the history books. What he’s already accomplished, so much more than could’ve been realistically expected under the circumstances, should give him a measure of personal satisfaction.

That having been said, his previous four years has broadened his understanding of the massive mountain required to climb to even see something that looks like a constitutional republic, and he has articulated a few important ones – chain migration, protected status of government employees, etc.- to which destruction could very well play to his strengths and to the general health and welfare of the American psyche.

President Trump was the greatest threat to the welfare empire D.C. has become, in many a decade. Even Reagan wasn’t considered the threat President Trump was, and still is. The elaborate corruption is patently obvious in the blind devotion the DOJ, FBI, and practically every other alphabet department and agency, even Vice President Pence and The Supreme Court, has revealed since fearless President Trump was elected.

The real question is whether the public appreciates his efforts and wishes to avail themselves of his proven ability. One might well fear that the answer from the far, far, left is “no”. Making Trump great again matters!

Not to be dismayed however, James Anthony, American Greatness: ‘Making Trump Great Again’ …

Trump has three options: fail, exit, or demolish. To be a great president, Trump would need to set aside the wars of words he relishes and instead become our demolition man.

A president’s greatness comes down, in part, to how well he limited government abroad and at home.

Abroad, Donald Trump didn’t lead the United States into a major war.

At home, though, Trump signed off on swollen government budgets, didn’t force roll-call votes to fully repeal Obamacare, welcomed “Dreamers,” championed ill-conceived criminal justice “reform,” and greatly expanded public-health tyranny.

Trump championed “15 days to flatten the curve,” which never was going to age well. He championed COVID money-printing that poured gas on a long-raging fire at the Federal Reserve. Trump championed genetic vaccines that, over time, are proving deadly and debilitating. Trump didn’t weigh in upfront to limit massive unconstitutional changes in ballot-handling that led to the certification of votes not credibly cast.

Just as every essential idea of Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal was put into place by Herbert Hoover, every essential idea of Joe Biden’s COVID tyranny was prefaced by Trump’s decisions in 2020.

Trump looks even worse when he’s compared to his contemporaries. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis quickly sought bona fide nongovernment experts, turned on a dime, and used substantial constitutional powers to limit government agencies and cronies from impinging on people’s liberties. Representative Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) risked his career trying to block the COVID money-printing that bailed out Democratic politicians and amped up inflation.

In 2012, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney was weak on Obamacare because, as governor of Massachusetts, he had championed Romneycare. As things stand now, Trump is weak on Republican-affirmed Obamacare, criminal justice “reform,” health tyranny, and inflation. [-]

[+] … A progressive president will hire and influence the permanent bureaucracy. Above all, a progressive president must sell its services to voters. He’s a government salesman.

A president who protects the Constitution must instead veto unconstitutional spending bills, reorganize, lay people off, and urge Congress to repeal laws outside the scope of the Constitution. He also will market the Constitution to voters, but chiefly through his actions.

In the wake of the progressives’ century, he would be a demolition man.

To be a great president, Trump would need to set aside the wars of words he relishes. Instead, Trump will have to make his actions speak for him.

And for us. [end]

Full link with much more down below…

Making Trump great again matters! Ron DeSantis monitoring inside threats a full-time job…

Calls for Ron DeSantis from the comments thread, having many good years left to devote to his State and country. Florida needing him to remain governor for as long as he is able, while also a good preparation for the political minefield he will have to navigate once in D.C., whether as Congressman or President. One thing for sure, it’ll be patently obvious he will be vilified, sabotaged, and ambushed, no less relentlessly than President Trump has been from time to time!

Having already served in the House, DeSantis well understands what it is like to be vilified, sabotaged and ambushed on a small stage. His background, education and experience all contribute to his being an excellent POTUS, but his principles, record as governor and capacity for logical analysis as the basis for the actions he has already taken, would make him a great wrecking ball of the Administrative State.

Making Trump great again matters, while not forgetting Ron DeSantis at the same time!

And on that note, time for today’s MAGA Pill – Warrior-president Donald John Trump and Ron DeSantis both going forth to MAGA! – KAG!


3 thoughts on “Making Trump great again matters!

  1. President Donald Trump will not stop informing the people who are standing with him.
    President Donald Trump will not be broken.
    The ugly left are still trying to crush him.
    I pray for President Donald Trump every day. He is for God, freedom and country.
    Thank you for this great post Dennis Hurst. We the people are with you.
    God bless you. Keep on writing so people can get educated to the truth.

  2. President Donald Trump will not stop informing the people who are standing with him.
    President Donald Trump will not be broken.,
    The ugly left are still trying to crush him.
    Thank you for this great post Dennis Hurst. We the people are with you. I pray for President Donald Trump every day. He is for God, freedom and country.
    God bless you. Keep on writing so people can get educated about the truth.

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