Lamestreams fallout from election..

Go Ahead, Make …

Dewey beats Truman! (1948 for y’all youngsters). At least the lamestreams at that time hadn’t run a poll for about a month before the election.

This recent political drama was really a case of the Big Media lamestreams just wanting Hillary/Billary to win so badly (while being cognizant of the way the Clintons punish people) that they didn’t want to be the one/s who didn’t choose her. But I, like many millions of you, took heart throughout the campaign that there was a huge (“yuge”?) disconnect between Trump’s rallies being yuge and enthusiastic compared to Hillary’s tiny dull and boring coughing-appearances. Plus unsteadiness on stairs and into vehicles. Plus throwing things in anger at her subordinates. And actually hitting people. A star attraction she wasn’t. To anyone. God only knows how she managed to get this far in her “campaign” but whatever it was can be placed at the lamestreams’ doorstep.

The really funny thing is that Hillary had a rallying staff of some 800 against the Trumpit’s 130 or so. Hillary spent a fortune on the lamestreams’ polls, generally acting like the fisherman who shows up with every gadget to find and track fish, but the kid using bacon (God forbid Muslim distaste) for bait with a stick and string catches more. Innocent but profound knowledge from a universal concept. Keep it simple, stupid.

The lamestreams’ media bias was complicit in choosing the “experts”. Bear in mind that progressive liberal minds don’t see reality. They live in a fantasy world, thus reporting fantasy lies. If you want to know what’s going on around you, throw away your communications melange and go out on a walkabout or call to talk to people. Face to face and voice to voice. Person to person.

Dewey defeats Truman.. Clinton defeats Trump … Karma sometimes becomes pure b******t

These were not predictions, by the way. The corrupt and complicit lamestreams’ media as well as the PR world has been caught falsifying information and trying to influence the election. Now they’re simply trying to put a new spin on the results. Never, never, never, underestimate the will of We the People. Nor the power of God to insert himself into the affairs of men. Period.

The left’s lamestreams’ strategy has long been to pit their amalgamation of grievance groups against WASP-ish America. Someone finally came along and copied their MO turning WASP-ish America into the Mother of All grievance groups. Gotta hand it to the DemoMarxists though. They won a lot of elections by casting WASP-ish America into every non-WASP’s boogie-man yet still managed to fairly evenly split the WASP-ish vote. Perhaps in the post-black-half-white failed president era it’s time to find another strategy or at least another shameless lamestreams’ boogie-man. What could be next on their evil agenda – Donald Dokey-Mon? HAH! Good luck on that one!

Consider for instance, this from Media Research Center:

Most Wildly Inaccurate:

“I believe that my former boss Hillary Clinton will make history and become the first woman POTUS and she will win by an Electoral College landslide of 322 to 216. That includes Florida, Nevada, and North Carolina.” – Kris Balderston, president of global public affairs and strategic engagement, FleishmanHillard

So, PRWeek surveyed a former Clinton employee, who picked Clinton. And, while Clinton did take Nevada’s six electoral votes, she lost 29 in Florida and 15 in North Carolina.

“There is no doubt in my mind that Hillary Clinton will be our next leader and that the Democrats will take back the Senate. My prediction is that we will be awed by the numbers.” – David Landis, president, Landis Communications

“Hillary Clinton will get 300-plus electoral votes.” – Richard Edelman, CEO, Edelman

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“Clinton is going to win and the reason is that Trump could never get the concept of the “movable middle” in campaign strategy.” “For that reason, Clinton will capture at least 310 electoral votes.” – Rob Flaherty, CEO, Ketchum

“No doubt about it—Hillary Clinton has to be our new president. Not only does she have to be, she will be.” – Jen Dobrzelecki, EVP and Head of U.S., M&C Saatchi PR

“Clinton will win with a sizable majority.” – Aedhmar Hynes, CEO, Text100

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“Clinton is going to win with over 300 electoral votes.” “Trump will ultimately lose because he acts like a neofascist.” – Richard Levick, founder and CEO, Levick

“Hillary Clinton wins by a slightly larger margin than Barack Obama did in 2012.” – Jamie Moeller, global MD, public affairs, Ogilvy Public Relations

Continues in The PR Fail of Fails


Then there’s this:

The map above shows the county level and vote share results of the 2016 US Presidential Election. The darker the blue the more a county went for Hilary Clinton and the darker the red the more the county went for Donald Trump.

This map helps explain why Trump was able to win, despite winning over 2.2. million fewer votes (at the time of writing) than Clinton. Her votes were very concentrated in only a few states whereas Trump’s votes came from a wide enough geographic area to capture the Electoral College.

All blue states: Hawaii and Massachusetts.
All red sates: Alaska, West Virginia, and Oklahoma.

Overall Trump won approximately 2,600 counties to Clinton’s 500, or about 84% of the geographic United States. However, Clinton won 88 of of the 100 largest counties (including Washington D.C.). Without these 100 largest counties she would have lost by 11.5 million votes.

Continues in the Counties Election Map
