Klavan, Manhattan Institute, and Obamascare nightmare. Let’s ‘fess up a little bit here shall we? Does anyone in America – and I mean A N Y O N E – know exactly what the ACA/ObamaScare is all about, what it contains within its 3000 pages, what it doesn’t contain, what’s in there that has diddley-squat to do with “healthcare”, and what generous pieces of “pork rind” were buried in there for all kinds of dastardly things by corruptible, nasty politicos … A N Y O N E ??? Andrew Klavan puts a lot into his allotted 3:45 but is still missing a pretty big piece of the picture, even though this is an excellent video-speak. The shortage of MDs that is going to hit us is going to be massive. You have to look back fifty or sixty years to the Korean and Vietnam war-era, to witness the same kind of problem, which led to the importation of Indian and other doctors from various countries, and how the AMA responded; along with the almost complete halt of medical school student slot expansion, in conjunction with malpractice case law and malpractice insurance premiums. We presently have a nation of some 330 million people with vested interests skewing the market for med schools and basically corrupt tort law.
Let’s take a look and listen, and we’ll get back to commentary…
Klavan, Manhattan Institute, and Obamascare nightmare. So, it would appear that ObamaScare only allows certain plans that provide certain coverage in private health insurance corporations to be allowed to replace ObamaScare. Any plan that is “substandard” is dumped and a person must now purchase this new plan that has been inflated to provide more unnecessary coverage. For instance, under some plans men are now required to purchase plans that cover pregnancy. More unnecessary coverage for the individual, leads to higher premiums to cover costs for those less advantaged.
I wonder just how many times this is being repeated, which I randomly picked up from the comments thread? …
Okay, here’s my story: I’m 58 years old, and I retired about seven months ago. Before retirement, my out-of-pocket monthly premium was $104.00 and my deductable was $340.00. I had full medical, dental, vision and prescription coverage. Now I’m getting my insurance through the state exchange, also known as the ACA or Obamacare. My monthly premium is $262.00 and my deductable is $6,350.00. My policy has NO dental, vision or prescription coverage. And my current policy is through the same provider (Blue Cross) that I’ve had for over 25 years. And guess what? The people I worked with STILL have the same rates that we all had before I retired. To sum things up, Obamacare is the WORST insurance I’ve ever had. I only keep it because I ride motorcycles and I need catastrophic coverage, which is all it’s good for.