En Garde In The Bunker
Sometimes the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray. The leadership of the House had a plan cooked up to pass amnesty and We The People hated it. The political elite however, wanted it passed. And for that, the elites got Eric Cantor shellacked.
Back in April, Boehner openly ridiculed conservatives (whatever “conservatives” look like these days) claiming that members were elected to make choices. That’s typical Washington double-speak blabber which when translated means, “Screw the public who elected us, we will do what we want to stay in this cushy job in D.C.”
Boehner and the political elite of both parties have no concept of the anger out in the public square, or if they do they don’t care. Who knows if Eric Cantor cares? I would however, suspect that he and the elite of his party are angry that he got ousted, but too bad; Eric Cantor shellacked is not the headline they were expecting. Even Carl Cameron on with Dana Perino last night sitting in for van Susteren not an hour before the result, reported that Cantor “appeared to be comfortably ahead of Brat, so no hint of an upset there .. the Tea Party appears to be heading for yet another disappointment” … So much for THAT insightful reportage .. The public makes choices too and some are easier to take than others, even including Eric Cantor shellacked…
Cantor pays the price, rightly, for his pro-Mexican invasion stance, his immigration non-policy, and for that, he’s paid the price. Let the RINOs take heed – We The People will no longer buy the demographic suicide they are selling. Eric Cantor shellacked could soon be a headline containing other names.
Eric Cantor got the boot because he had all the makings of a duplicitous weasel, telling We The People one thing while operating in secrecy behind the curtain. If the members of the House learn anything from this they should retire Boehner to his $835,000 condo on Marco Island, and instruct Paul Ryan to cool it somewhat.
RINO’s are not very smart people – or politicians for that matter.
On to Ross Kaminsky and his take on Eric Cantor Shellacked from American Spectator …
Ross Kaminsky…
In his Republican primary race on Tuesday evening, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) was a bigger favorite than California Chrome. (Last week, Cantor’s campaign claimed a more than 2-to-1 polling lead.) But in both cases we’re reminded “that’s why they run the race.”
The most common reaction after economics professor Dave Brat crushed Rep. Cantor by 56 percent to 44 percent — despite Brat’s campaign raising and spending less than 5 percent of Cantor’s total — was “Nobody saw it coming.” In an article that appears to have been re-written following the election, the Washington Post predicted that Brat would “fall far short.” (How nice to be able to delete failed predictions; I’m sure Cantor’s pollsters wish they could do the same.) Perhaps the skepticism of Brat’s chances shouldn’t be a surprise because although Brat was considered a more credible challenger than many of Cantor’s prior Republican foes, no sitting House Majority Leader had ever before lost a primary.
The left is already trumpeting this political earthquake as representing a Tea Party takeover of the GOP — a point they’ve been trying to make for some time despite the relative lack of success of pro-liberty groups in the 2012 primary season (including Senator Lindsey Graham’s trouncing of all of his Tea Party opponents at the same time that Cantor was losing as well as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s easy victory against a flawed but strongly Tea Party-backed challenger).
But despite the “Tea Party” appellation in nearly every news article about the election, Brat is only a Tea Party candidate in the sense of running on principles and seeming to be sincere when referencing the American Constitution — both of which are anathema to the Fourth Estate and too often to Republican leadership who prefer constitutional lip service over honoring their oaths of office.
While Mr. Brat did get significant support from several high-profile conservative talk radio hosts such as Laura Ingraham and Mark Levin, and from some small local Tea Party groups in Virginia, no major national Tea Party group came to Brat’s aid, financially or in any other public way. If this represents the new Tea Party, both the establishment and Democrats should be even more afraid than they might have been following their 2010 “shellacking.”