Go Ahead, Make …
So this is where We The People have come to folks, into a den of poisonous rattle snakes who have been lying through their teeth since this demonic administration was ushered into existence on the backs of all those dead-voter’s society stuffed ballots – To say nothing of all those Black Panther types in Philadelphia casually swinging their jolly-sticks while intimidating voters entering a polling station. Well, that’s one thing of course, but the more troubling factor is how easily all these press-secretaries beginning with Robert Gibbs, followed by Barney-Carney-Circus Clown, and now within the purview of the most inappropriately-named Josh Earnest, who amazingly, even though we have the true Ben Rhodes story from multiple outlets, continues to lie right before our very eyes as to how Rhodes duped everyone with the Iranian nuke deal. Unbelievable!
The simple solution for GOP Congresscritters of course (a little bit o’Texas lingo there) if they just had one testicle between them: Subpoena the smirky condescending little farqwad Rhodes and toss his arse in jail if he refuses to testify. Oh well. At least We The People can LOVE it that they are actually being called out for this ridiculously-manufactured Iran deal. On the other hand, I guess he forgets how Obama said Iran was not gonna get a nuke in ’08, ’09, ’10, ’11, and ’12. I guess he was wrong then or just lying?
Whatever, it sure is good gravy with all the lying from this guy, and that guy, and the WH, no wonder Trump is so popular. A little touchy isn’t he? This is Ben Rhodes’ fault that they’re even talking about this.

Turns out Joe Wilson was right all along…