Guessing the level of intellectual acumen devoid in most of these halfwit brains, it’s likely a case of their finally having someone (after four years) actually doing what Pelosi lost her voice yelling “we have to pass it then we’ll know what’s in it.” They are finding out third-party just what the monstrosity is that they corruptingly foisted on We The People – some of them criminally! No wonder they’re scurrying around like rats .. “The widespread action is a sign that Democrats facing tough races are increasingly worried about the law’s adverse effects on their reelection chances. “A lot of members are very concerned,” said Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.), who has talked to several nervous members from swing districts. If the White House doesn’t quickly offer an alternate solution, Connolly warned more Democrats would back Rep. Fred Upton’s (R-Mich.) legislation, which would grandfather in all plans that would be canceled by the law’s requirements.“This is a swelling chorus,” Connolly said. The Hill report continues…