Go Ahead, Make …
Concurrent with the latest Friday evening release of Guccifer 2.0 and the damaging information contained therein, DCLeaks turned up Saturday morning with info on George Soros and his numerous corrupt doings under the umbrella of his Open Society Institute, a euphemism if ever there was one! To whit:
“As Zero Hedge reported 3 days ago, this is not the first we have known of the hack of Soros files. And the conventional wisdom that the DCLeaks site is a Russian operation may be harder to believe now:
…it appears that the “Trump as a Kremlin pawn” news cycle is over, and is being replaced with one that prepares the world for a George Soros email dump; needless to say that particular news cycle will be far more complex to frame as benefiting Putin. (snip)”
“To be sure, that Soros had been hacked is nothing new to our readers. We first reported about it last June, in an article which revealed Soros as the mastermind behind the 2014 Ukraine presidential coup, titled “Hacked Emails Expose George Soros As Ukraine Puppet-Master.” However that particular hack got no coverage in the broader press. The fact that it is finally coming to light suggests that something far bigger is expected to be disclosed by the hacker group.”[end]

George Soros the palindrome…
To which I say, keep it up hackers. Never come out of the shadows. Doing the job Big Media refuses to do and the only way We The People will ever have transparency. Come to think of it, perhaps we should also concentrate on hacking Big Media and bring them to task in the same way. In Trump’s speech this weekend he said, “Don’t you just love email!?” Possibly the best statement of the week. The left attacks Trump over his inability to control his comments but the undoing of the left will be their inability to control their desire to talk about how much smarter they are than the rest of us. I look forward to the fallout. Even the mighty MSM will not be able to cover all this up. They have however, already begun their ploy to turn the attention as they have instructed their ever-ready and unlimited mindless goons to start burning and looting in Milwaukee. Another side attraction that will no doubt be featured ad nauseam all week long.

The Villainy Billary’s always plotting and scheming … acolytes of George Soros for 25 years…
Soros throughout his sordid career, has made it very evident that he is not a “nice man.” Anyone who proclaims that the best year of his life was helping the Nazi National Socialists during WW2 is not just out of his mind, but certifiably insane, never mind that he could be charged and executed for uttering such nonsense. Then there’s his attempt to bankrupt Britain in 1992 by shorting the British Pound and bringing the banks and economy to their knees, yet the English politicians are still friends with Soros, especially former Prime Minister Cameron. Wonder how much he and his father got out of that deal to be socked away off shore and overseas?
Just remember folks, Bill Clinton conducted the marriage ceremony of Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner at one of Soros’ mansions in New York, and Chelsea Clinton got married at Soros’ extensive Hawaiian estate. Soros has been friends with the Clintons for over 25 years. The wheel of corruption runs 24/7 with these evil people.
Soros is an evil, evil man; ruthless and cruel; much like his puppet Obama. What goes round comes around.
Now on to the whole piece from Thomas Lifson in American Thinker…
The files of George Soros’s Open Society Institute have been hacked over a period of years, with 2,576 just published on the mysterious DCLeaks site. Soros, the master manipulator of governments who pulls the strings at the State Department, will face unprecedented scrutiny. Alex Pfeiffer of the Daily Caller summarized the range of material.
The documents are from multiple departments of Soros’ organizations. Soros’ the Open Society Foundations seems to be the group with the most documents in the leak. Files come from sections representing almost all geographical regions in the world, “the President’s Office”, and something named SOUK.
There are documents dating from at least 2008 to 2016. In June, the Open Society Foundations also had several documents leaked by DCLeaks. Bloomberg reported that the foundation notified the Federal Bureau of Investigation to the hacking.
Continues in American Thinker…
Check also The Daily Caller…