Go Ahead, Make …
What a mix of stuff. Bernie’s “Sand’emdown Commies” vs. the Marxist Establishment Globalists. May they run into each other in the parking lot and scratch and slap each other to death until just a transgender college student with a Che T-shirt is left to tell the story. Just like in Burns, Oregon, the Marxist/Globalists are quick to hide behind their useful idiots. This is the worst of humanity in one place, fighting for the position for coercion, fraud, extortion, subjugation, and liquidation of the rest of us. The GOPe is the same model but with chrome tail pipes and Grey Poupon in the glove box.
Barbara Boxer the transgenderist who put down General Michael Walsh during a Senate hearing a few years ago with “don’t call me ma’am, call me Senator, I worked so hard to get that title”. Worked? … last I checked, she was indeed a “ma’am.” Misogynist that she obviously is. The perfidy of the woman – Indeed! The DemoncRat party, the party of the left, is the party of violence, and we’ve known this for decades. “Domestic violence”, when it comes to defending the country, they leave that to us rednecks, you know, the ones with the (gulp) guns. Weapons that kill the enemy – especially the ones within.
But I digress .. The piece coming up is from Thomas Lifson titled “DNC Leaders Flee Nevada Convention” in American Thinker and hits the nail right on the head. Hopefully all the DNC mistreatment of Sanders and his crowd will lead to him running as a third party candidate, taking votes away from Hellary in the general. On the other hand, Bernie scares the DemoncRat establishment. Some of Hellary’s supporters might vote for Bernie, but NONE of Bernie’s supporters will ever vote for Hellary. They’ll stay home first, or write him in. Or perhaps some Sanders’ supporters will get on the Trump train; apparently, approximately 30 percent by exit polling are already geared up for that.
So, let the horses run, yes? As a little side note .. My first memory of, and interest in, American politics came upon my arrival into Canada, 1968 and the DemoncRat Convention across the border. Popcorn sales this time will be brisk during the DemoncRats Convention. Memories of the 1968 Liberal riot in Chicago, all those bloodied and broken Liberal skulls. Oh I hope so. My much younger following are stunned when I tell them it was the DemoncRats in ’68 that had the riot in Chicago. (Always ask which party had the riot at their convention in 1968). I also remind them that at the time a favorite saying was: “LBJ, LBJ, How many boys did you kill today?” I remind them that popularity is fleeting. Gloat today that the Dems seem to be the squeaky-clean party looking out for YOU. But it can all change in the blink of an eye. Hope they get to see first hand their beloved DemoncRats showing their true colors. Blood red, is what. OUCH!
On now, to Thomas Lifson…
Bitterness and violence erupted yesterday at the Democrats’ Nevada State Convention in Las Vegas, as 64 Sanders delegates were disqualified, allowing Clinton to take 7 of the 12 delegates up for grabs. Party officials there ignored a motion from the floor and rammed through a vote according to the wishes of the Clinton campaign. It’s almost as if the Hillary faction genuinely fears for the nomination it supposedly has sewn up.
Along the way Barbara Boxer was booed: