Balenciaga’s child porn advocacy

Go ahead, make my..

The above headline goes on: “Tony Podesta’s Disturbing Art Collection“. Mmmmm.

Decades ago, ad agencies were putting pre-teen girls in women’s clothes and make-up, putting cigarettes in their hands and telling them to look sleepy to make them look like high-end whores/addicts. This isn’t new – the kind of people who work in high fashion love to wallow in decadence, and drag down the most pure with them.

What’s troubling is the rise of completely talent-less hacks and their lecturing or bullying us into believing anything they create has value. Wasn’t it Tom Wolfe who wrote about the insulated “art” community controlled by some 300 people? Now, we understand why they’re so insulated: from people who cannot draw, paint, compose, design, etc., to save their lives to the “critics” who evaluate their work, and the galleries, auditoriums which exhibit them – pedophilia-existentialism!

Balenciaga’s child porn advocacy. Democrats enemy of we the people…

The only thing to understand about modern art, like the rest of modernism, is the fact that it’s the wholesale cultural negation of all that went before; the first act of Nietzsche’s death of God. And postmodern trash and nihilism is the logical compatriot and progression of modernism’s utter inability to support our better natures and its promotion of us celebrating our worst. Nihilism is not a reaction to modernism, but the full-term gargoyle birthed by the modernists.

The images admired by Podesta and other nihilists aren’t just obscene, but connected to the occult and Satanism. They are dehumanizing and repulsive; a celebration of ugliness rather than beauty. What these people admire reveals who and what they are – disturbed and evil.

Seems like we’re facing another Martin Niemöller moment, with millions of Americans having been cowed into silence – for fear of being called a name – while the amoral ideologues of the left have normalized life-altering surgery on otherwise healthy children and promoted it as “gender affirming.” They’ve already coined the term “minor attracted persons” to de-stigmatize pedophilia, and likely people will still remain silent.

And bear in mind that John Podesta is the senior adviser to Biden (and what a pair of ugly sex-fiends they are!) for clean energy innovation and implementation. Given his proclivities, clean energy will ultimately become a new cesspool. Certainly the $370B he controls is nothing but a slush fund. Brother Tony for instance has been paid $500,000 by Huawei to lobby the White House. Depravity obviously pays.

Mark Judge, American Greatness: ‘Balenciaga’s Child Porn Advocacy: Tony Podesta’s Disturbing Art Auction’ …

Unable to outrage the American middle class with modern art, the Left descends into nihilism and pornography.

The luxury fashion brand Balenciaga is under fire due to an ad campaign that showed a child model standing with a teddy bear that was wearing black leather and chains—in other words, BDSM apparel. People are outraged, and rightly so, but the episode points to a larger problem: the way the Left has embraced violent, pornographic, and disturbing art.

Remember the Podesta art collection? In 2016 it was revealed that the art collection of DNC bigwigs Tony and John Podesta was bizarre and really disturbing. The Podesta’s collection contained, as critic Michael J. Pearce described it, “weird genetically-mutated piggy-children sculptures and creepy photographs of men with children running away.” People were shocked to learn that this pillar of the Democratic Party owned a sculpture of a decapitated naked woman whose pose closely resembled a photo of one of Jeffrey Dahmer’s victims. Another installation in [Podesta’s] home included hyper-real sculpted hybrid human and pig figures, including piglet children.”

Pearce goes on: “suddenly, a powerful perception of a sick relationship between left-wing politics, avant-garde art, and pedophilia was established by media outlets covering the story.” The stuff even offended both mainstream and left-wing Democrats: “Intersectional Democratic Party members were horrified that the aesthetic taste of Podesta—one of their elite leaders—could include such offensive things. Party leaders seeking the middle-class vote were appalled at the offense to bourgeois values. The sculpture of the beheaded woman clearly offended feminist factions.

Pearce saw this disgusting display as one factor in the undermining of liberalism as the historical champions of great and modernist art. The other was how the Left have become philistines:

Instead of supporting art, left-wing intersectional activists have become busy iconoclasts, calling for the destruction of a painting of Emmet Till, throwing paint at public sculptures of Columbus and civil war monuments, spray painting slogans onto the iconic Unconditional Surrender statue in Sarasota. There’s nothing particularly new or exciting about iconoclasm, but it is unusual that the political motivation of these activists is leftist, because supporting artistic freedom of speech has been the default position of the American Left since the Second World War. [end]

Full link below….

Balenciaga’s child porn advocacy. Truth: the rise & fall & rise of truth…

Just in case you overlooked it, Podesta is back in the White House and the left is the party of pedophiles / pedophilia.

Old Joe’s posse of punks, perverts and pedophiles which actually looks like the pedophiles don’t see the need for special symbolism any more, especially coming out into the open as they are. Targeting young school children for sexualized education after all, and grooming them for a potpourri of perversions, why on earth would they feel restrained from pushing their ideology in advertisements? It will stop only with force, but few politicians have the strength of character to act. Fruitcases that they are!

Reminder: The 45 communist goals as read into congressional record – January 10, 1963 contains the following: 22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to “eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.” / 23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. “Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.”

On top of that rot why doesn’t it surprise me that a rat-faced degenerate like Podesta has a house full of sick, twisted art? Mmmm? Isn’t it time for him to “off himself” under his own rules? Did he not tell us that no one should live past 75? Balenciaga’s child porn advocacy.

Plain fact of the matter is that the demoMarxocrat-Lefties simply aren’t slouching toward Gomorrah anymore, they’re pridefully marching that way with “ole Joe’s buddies in Delaware every other weekend”, some even sprinting. OUCH!

And on that note, time for today’s MAGA Pill – Warrior-President Donald John Trump – MAGA! KAG!
