Anyone for Schadenfreude return?

Go ahead, make my..

The Washington Compost is hardly the “proprietary” senior reporter of anything to do with well, anything at all. News-rag papers of ill-repute tell us everything we need to know about the specious left. What scares them on the other hand about a possible Trump involvement in anything is they understand that this isn’t about politics, but liberty vs tyranny; good vs evil; winning vs losing. Name a republican presidential nominee the left hasn’t called a racist, fascist, Hitler or a misogynistic “toxic masculinity” blah blah blah, and we’ll all wait and see what you come up with!

We Trumpers eagerly await the return of President Donald John Trump, always remembering what he keeps repeating: “they’re not against you, but against us; you are only in the way”. Which is the primary reason we want him back, along with the many patriotic agendas he pursues, against the globalist/bolshevik cabal that indeed, is after him and all of us.

Anyone for Schadenfreude return? Schemers and plotters …

The Left is certainly not going to peacefully accept their defeats, more than likely doing what they always do in unleashing their brownshirts to raise hell while their commanders work feverishly to overturn wins by Republican candidates. There are signs of a turning tide though.

A US District Court judge in Illinois has just ruled that a Judicial Watch lawsuit can move forward without the demoMarxocrat Party of Illinois intervening as a defendant. The lawsuit challenges an Illinois election law that allows mail-in ballots to be received up to two weeks after the election, the demoMarxocrats being represented by Clinton lawyer Mark Elias.

Thankfully, the judge held that including the demoMarxocrat Party of Illinois would delay what is a time-sensitive case. And of course, delaying the case is just what the demoMarxocrats intended to do. After the votes have been counted, they would print enough phony mail-in ballots to change results they don’t like. Were Judicial Watch not getting ready to challenge the cheaters, who would?

Then we’ve got the employees at Twitter freaking out over Elon Musk’s intention to sharply cut the workforce. They’ve already written a letter demanding their jobs be retained, but it’s highly doubtful that Musk will cave to the intimidation tactics. That said, it remains to be seen if Musk will actually stop the censorship and allow conservatives to freely state their views. Stay tuned and alert!

Daniel Oliver, American Greatness: ‘The Return of Schadenfreude’ …

The Left presents a feverish nightmare of how the end of civilization would happen if Trump returned.

Schadenfreude: it’s baaaaaack!

And it’s warming the hearts of Americans not afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome. An “analysis” in the Washington Post by David Montgomery shows how frantic, and deranged, the anti-Trumpers have become. And they’re not just anti-Trumpers. They’re anti-Republicans.

Montgomery tells us that according to one poll, 47 percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning Independents want Trump to be the nominee in 2024. Zounds! Can you believe it?

Well, yes—especially since there really isn’t anyone else, yet, who has staked out Trump’s territory. Trump may be less their candidate than a placeholder for a whole portfolio of sensible policies—policies that Post reporters and their ilk wouldn’t touch with a 20-foot garbage poll.

Montgomery wants you to know that he’s not alone in his negative opinion of the 45th president’s policies: He turned to “21 experts in the presidency, political science, public administration, the military, intelligence, foreign affairs, economics and civil rights.” Ah, yes: what would we do without experts?

The first thing Trump would do? According to one of these “experts,” he would seize control of the government. Well, sure. That’s what most presidents do. They’re elected to do precisely that. People are policy, so if you want to change the policies, you have to change the people. It is surely a mark of frantic journalism, and frantic journalists, that they make the normal and obvious sound scandalous. [-]

[+] …  “Trump would almost certainly return to the issue that first built his following in the GOP and still animates the party: harsh measures to counter illegal immigration.” You really begin to wonder about the mental stability of someone who writes this kind of stuff. The least harsh measure to counter illegal immigration would simply be to build a wall. That’s what Trump wanted to do. Biden stopped it because he, and the Democrats, want millions of illegal immigrants to enter the country (never mind the tons of fentanyl also crossing the border). They would then like to give them the right to vote. That is the “great replacement theory”: Hispanics and blacks are moving away from the Democratic Party, and so they must be replaced with non-English speaking foreigners who know nothing about America’s customs—or her soul.

Montgomery’s rant goes on, for more than 5,000 words: a feverish nightmare of how the end of civilization would happen if Trump returned. You have to read it not to believe it—to borrow Randall Jarrell’s formulation. But lovers of America should read it because, for all the schadenfreude it provides, it makes you realize how dangerous, and deranged, the people currently in power, not just in government, but in all the other institutions, really are.

Democracies can perish, even ours, and then it might not be schadenfreude time ever again. [end]

Full link below…

Anyone for Schadenfreude return? Elon Musk begins to take charge…

The first thing Trump would do? According to one of these ‘experts,’ he would seize control of the  government. Well, sure. That’s what most presidents do. They’re elected to do precisely that. People are policy, so if you want to change the policies, you have to change the people. It is surely a mark of frantic journalism, and frantic journalists, that they make the normal and obvious sound scandalous.”

The job of Democrat agitprop “journalists,” also known as the “mainstream media” is to make mountains out of molehills and molehills out of mountains. So is it “surely a mark of frantic journalism” to make “the normal and obvious sound scandalous?” Democracy dies in darkness…that’s true, and it’s a great motto. But “Our Sacred Democracy (TM)” lives only by Duranty-style reporting like that done by the New York Slimes or the swill served-up by David Montgomery in the aforementioned Washington Compost. No doubt he’s in line for a Pulitzer like Duranty got. NOT!

Anyone for Schadenfreude return? As the old adage goes: “Surely it is – and soon I’ll stop calling you Shirley”!

And on that note, time for today’s MAGA Pill – Warrior-President Donald John Trump – MAGA! KAG!
