Go Ahead, Make …
When Pope Francis is flying high in the sky (as in his designed-to-order Alitalia Airbus 360) his press conferences conducted thereon always seem to reveal some of his most innermost thoughts, as if his physical nearness to heaven inspires him to disclose his true feelings. Just prior to his damning statement describing GOP front runner Donald Trump’s Christianity (or lack of) last week, the Pontiff was asked by a journalist to express his views on same sex marriage and child adoption by homosexual / Lesbian pairs, the hot item of the day currently being debated in the Italian Parliament. The Pope’s answer? “It is not the intention of the Pope to get involved in the internal politics of a country. That is not the role of the Pope”.
Despite the fact that on the homosexuality issue the Church is specifically expected to provide moral guidance, Mr. Jorge Mario Bergoglio could have spent considerably more time in describing just what the Catholic Church’s position is on this, since a few minutes later His Sanctity did indeed interfere willingly into “the internal politics of a country”, as in those of the United States. What led the Pope to doubt the Christian faith of Mr Trump, and not the one of, let’s say, Mr Obama? The Pontiff criticized building walls to defend the integrity of a country, yet someone visiting Rome who decides to visit Vatican Hill will find a citadel surrounded by thick 50-foot high walls. Try to trespass the common tourist route, and you will see what happens to you. The Swiss Guards are well-intentioned in their protection of the property.

Fifty-foot walls of protection around the Vatican…
Professor L. WesselI, commenting on the incident declared:
“Do not miss the trees looking at the forest of interaction between the Donald and the Francis. Both Trump and Bergoglio as political animals are POPULISTS, dishing out insults and making extreme statements (then walking them back a bit). Let anyone type in YouTube “The Pope Francis Little Book of Insults” and you will find 125 unsavory and often theologically false but damning qualifications from the Pope about anyone who disagrees with him. The type of insults hurled by Fr. Bergoglio rival those of Mr. Trump, but, in contrast to Trump, are fully unworthy of a Pontiff, so much so that I prefer referring to the man as Fr. Bergoglio (a populist Argentinian with a Peron flavor) than as POPE Francis, an office he has disgraced so much with his injurious distortions of the character of his opposition that I hold that he has dishonored his priestly vocation. For a critical and detailed analysis of Francis’ statements, cf. Louie Verrecchio, AKA-Catholic (Verrecchio makes a good case for material heresy) or The Remnant, editor Michael Matt and Ferrara (both of whom beg to have some acceptance of their traditionalism and mine too). I can go on; the Pope’s theological worshiping of Cardinal Kasper for example (who has denied that any objective truth can be predicated to the Church in history) and his radical historicism. I go no further”.
It isn’t the Pope’s duty to question Trump’s Christianity. From where does he get authority to question a private American citizen and presidential candidate, if Christ is in his heart? All because Trump wants to build a wall to prevent the criminals, drugs and terror element from invading the United States. Yet the Pope never questioned Obama on his so called Christianity when any sane and reasonable person knows Obama is a faux Christian. His words and actions (or lack of) prove this. How the Pope doesn’t come out and read Obama the riot act on abortion is beyond me. Just remember that at one time the number one issue in the Catholic Church, above the economy, foreign policy, etc, was the abortion issue. The Democrat party was referred to as the “party of death”, so it does leave one to wonder just where Pope Francis is on the whole abortion issue. 60 million innocent American babies and still counting since the Black-robed executioners of the Warren Burger SCOTUS of 1973 inflicted Roe v Wade upon We The people is hardly an attribute of a Christian nation is it?

The pontificating Pontiff…
Conclusion: I wouldn’t be surprised should the Pope start promoting a merger with Islam since he thinks we worship the same (G)god, and that the Qur’an promotes peace. Ever since the death of Pacelli (Pius XII) the church has been hijacked by socialists. They are still paying billions to the pedophile scandal while poor retired old nuns must beg. Just curious but what exactly is the Vatican’s position on accepting migrants? Or selling the Vatican treasure to support displaced persons in Syria? Better this pope should keep his mouth shut on matters of politics altogether than speak with total hypocrisy. Notice that he doesn’t criticize the nations that create the horrible conditions that force their citizens to risk their lives by escaping to other countries and that’s the real scandal. But wait! The Vatican has a wall around it? Is he going to take in Muslim refugees and let them build a mosque too ?
Absit Omen!
Jack Kerwick from FrontPageMagazine and A Catholic’s Letter To Pope Francis