As I mentioned earlier in the week, Hillary Clinton, one of the DemoMarxist candidates for the position of President of the United States of America is UNDER SEVERE SCRUTINY BY THE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION for classified information abuse, so right out of the gate her candidacy is seriously flawed. In this collage of six video reports courtesy of the Washington Free Beacon, I bring you some combined 7:00 minutes of lies, lies, and fairy tales from the land of nod known as the DemoMarxist landscape, truly the land of make-believe…
First up, Clinton Spokesface Brian Fallon who appears rather flummoxed at times in answering a very simple question from CNNs Jake Tapper…
Next, the very same Spokesface has a similar flummoxing encounter with NBCs Chuck Todd grilling him on the very same topic that Jake Tapper put before him…
Then over at the State Department briefing, one of the pool reporters asked the unidentified Heinz Baked Beans Kerry Spokesface whether certain emails being investigated by the FBI were in fact classified or not … Needless to say, after bumbling through his talking point memo bullets, the Spokesface gave a rambling none-answer…
Next we move over to MSNBC where Nicholas Confessore of the New York Times was on with Craig Melvin discussing the topic of the Clintons having made an “obscene amount of money” since leaving the White House and even today pulling down $250,000 dollars a pop for a mere 40 minute “speech” … From where O where does a candidate for president, already under severe investigation from the FBI for abusing classified information, get the invites to even consider giving talks for that really obscene amount of cash?
Then we make a quick trip down to Beaumont Texas where 6 – yes, just SIX – people showed up at the airport to welcome the unwelcome Billary to a speaking engagement in the city (the six people which she dissed by the way, much to their chagrin) … O well, just what difference does it make anyhow? Mind you, I post this particular piece for no other reason than to illustrate how rapidly and abruptly, Billary supporters have begun to dump their candidate for the likes of another Marxist Socialist in Bernie Sanders … Not looking good for Billary at all…
And finally we come to Billary’s nemesis, the one with chocolate-colored skin tones who shafted her attempt at the last minute in 2008 by waving the magic wand of Secy of State in her direction. Paul Simon had a monster hit back in the 70s with “There Must Be 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover” but we can way outdo that with OBO the Clown Prince of Fools and his “There Must Be 50 Ways To leave The Clintons” baby – But it sure ain’t easy .. Wonder just what she and Bubba have in the closet on the chocolate-colored skin-toned Manchurian Candidate??
So there you have it, a compendium of games of a sort, between the White House, State Department, Congress, the AGs office, and the FBI. As I opined in one of my posts this week, Hillary’s whole inevitability thing has been a fabrication since day one. Although DC is corrupt beyond repair, and even though the Clintons have lots of supporters and enablers both in and out of government (in spite of this latest revelation), this particular incident with the FBI investigation is so shocking and so over-the-top, even for the Clintons, that I can foresee their demise coming in the not-too-distant future. And frankly, it cannot come quickly enough for the benefit of We The People.
See also Clinton Angers Iowa Fans…
and this Blizzard Stops Clinton Email Release… to which my reaction is: God forbid that Iran or North Korea or China or Russia decided to nuke or attack the United States during a blizzard .. the whole damned country would be shut down… Excuses excuses excuses are all that comes down the pike whenever the DemoMarxist darling of the party gets caught in a big ol’ bear trap … It’s a wonder indeed how ever we were victorious in both WWI and WWII to say nothing of Washington and his depleted army crossing the Delaware in a snowstorm to defeat the Brits… Under OBO the Clown Prince of Fools America has become a pussy-footing little squawking kitten .. Billary is as guilty as OJSimpson and her campaign needs to be ended and she sent to jail. Period.