When there’s no ‘being there’, there

Go ahead, make my…

Way, way, back in the history of time (the heady days of 1979) there was a beautiful movie produced on a shoe-string budget featuring Peter Sellers as a totally demented village idiot. Thanks to an extraordinary, delicately balanced performance by Sellers, Being There received mixed reviews during its theatrical release, but has since become a celebrated comedy with a loyal following (including yours truly). It’s one of the most unusual black comedies ever made, simply because it stretches a simple premise over 130 minutes of straight-faced, strangely compelling commentary on politics, media, and celebrity in media-savvy America.

1. Biden raised eyebrows with a garbled explanation of how he and his soon-to-be veep, Kamala Harris, would resolve a serious disagreement. “I will develop some disease and say I have to resign,” he told CNN, as Harris shook her head in bewilderment.

“Chance” is a simple-minded, middle-aged gardener who, after a lifetime of seclusion and safety in a Washington, D.C. townhouse, gets his first exposure to reality beyond the walls of his sheltered existence. His only reference to the world is through his childlike addiction to television, and when a chance encounter brings him into the inner fold of a dying billionaire (Melvyn Douglas), he suddenly finds himself the toast of Washington’s political elite.

When there’s no ‘being there’, there … Democrats enemy of own demise as in gropey joe.

2. Many supporters see Biden’s verbal stumbles as endearing — but his chronic case of foot-in-mouth often reveals his ornery side. Take the incident last December when he exploded at an Iowa Democrat who challenged him with some impertinent questions. “You’re a damn liar, man,” Biden sputtered in an eruption of insults.

His simple phrases about gardening are misinterpreted as anything from economic predictions to sage political advice, and under the sharp direction of Hal Ashby, Sellers has the audacity to take this comedic conceit to its logical extreme. Being There is not for all tastes–especially not for those who don’t appreciate comedic subtlety. But as a showcase for the daring genius of Peter Sellers, this is a classic movie in a category all its own.

3. “I mean, you’ve got the first sort of mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean,” Biden said of then-Sen. Barack Obama as both campaigned ahead of the 2008 primaries. “That’s a storybook, man.” The backhanded compliment instantly branded Biden, then 65, as an out-of-touch remnant of a racially tone-deaf generation — and helped to elevate Obama above the rest of the pack.  “I didn’t take Sen. Biden’s comments personally,” Obama said in a carefully distanced response. “Obviously they were historically inaccurate.”

The perfect ‘send-up’ for what passes these days as the leader of the entire planet.

Sundance, Conservative Treehouse: ‘Biden Actions for Unilateral Gun Control without Legislative Branch’ …

The White House has released some details of the six executive actions the JoeBama team has put together for Joe Biden to sign.

(1)  The Justice Department, within 30 days, will issue a proposed rule to help stop the proliferation of “ghost guns.” We are experiencing a growing problem: criminals are buying kits containing nearly all of the components and directions for finishing a firearm within as little as 30 minutes and using these firearms to commit crimes…

(2) The Justice Department, within 60 days, will issue a proposed rule to make clear when a device marketed as a stabilizing brace effectively turns a pistol into a short-barreled rifle subject to the requirements of the National Firearms Act. The alleged shooter in the Boulder tragedy last month appears to have used a pistol with an arm brace, which can make a firearm more stable and accurate while still being concealable…

(3) The Justice Department, within 60 days, will publish model “red flag” legislation for states. Red flag laws allow family members or law enforcement to petition for a court order temporarily barring people in crisis from accessing firearms if they present a danger to themselves or others…

Full link below, and then there’s this …

Sundance: Texas Governor Abbott Orders Texas Rangers to Check Joe Biden Detention Facility Sex Crimes Against Children…

There is no reasonable doubt illegal alien children are being transported across the southern border to engage in the illegal act of child sex trafficking. We saw the same issues in 2014 during the previous Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) influx. The massive surge of child trafficking in the past three months is directly the result of Joe Biden facilitating the transport of children by Mexican cartels. This is a big business.

In a replay of the same 2014 situation, we now hear of Joe Biden detention facilities where children are being raped and sexually assaulted while in the care and custody of Homeland Security officials. The children are then transported to custodial HHS “contractors” who, by the changed standards of the Biden administration, do not have to undergo FBI background checks.

Today Texas Governor Greg Abbott demanded Joe Biden close the Freeman Coliseum in San Antonio where 1,300 children are being housed, and numerous reports of sexual assault are ongoing. In addition Governor Abbott has instructed the Texas Rangers to immediately begin an investigation of the facility and the claims of child sexploitation amid the vulnerable minors. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) did not immediately respond to questions after Abbott’s announcement.

Full links available below…

When there’s no ‘being there’, there. Biden cabal outrage…

Dementia-Joe BiteMe is a walking parody of Chance the Gardener, the same demented idiot strolling around in Being There, except with BiteMe there’s no ‘There, there’.

As ‘Louise’ the mother expresses it, perfect for the situation at hand: It’s for sure a white man’s world in America. Look here: I raised that boy since he was the size of a piss-ant. And I’ll say right now, he never learned to read and write. No, sir. Had no brains at all. Was stuffed with rice pudding between th’ears. Shortchanged by the Lord, and dumb as a jackass. Look at him now! Yes, sir, all you’ve gotta be is white in America, to get whatever you want. Gobbledy-gook!

Definitely when there’s no there, there…

And on that note, time for today’s MAGA Pill – President Donald John Trump with loads of THERE, there, and spreading it around everywhere he goes – MAGA! KAG!
