When dealing with Schiffty Cheneys

En Garde in the bunker…

Turncoat Republican Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) claims her fellow committee members will be “focused on facts, not rhetoric, and we will present those facts without exaggeration, no matter what criticism we face.

Mmmmm … Pardon yours truly if it isn’t totally clear that the Schiffty Schiffs and the Liz Cheneys of the world are those amongst We the (90 million+) People who are forever attempting to achieve some credibility in their “ass-backwards” convulsions of committee-ness that somehow they believe they have relevance, or something, but that isn’t going to happen with partisan hacks the likes of Schiffty-eyed Cheneys running the show.

As in: “Our goal is to present the narrative of what happened in this country, how close we came to losing our democracy”. Mmmmm … more like “democracy thy name is death”!

When dealing with Schiffty Cheneys. A Cheney Schiff of Fools by any other name…

Pure unadulterated BS spoken by two of the great congressional liars-in-thief, nothing more nor less than a couple of political lynch mob hand-selected committee partisans, with the sole responsibility of taking down President Donald John Trump and his entire presidency.

The devilish demoMarxocrats, along with some useful idiot RINOs, have been waging a two front war on Putin and Russia externally, along with Trump supporters internally. Now it would seem to appear they’re abandoning their external war since it’s apparently too much of a headache, too much global disruption, which is also affecting our ruling class.

When dealing with Schiffty Cheneys God forbid they’ve decided they’d rather turn their attention inward away from Russia and focus on destroying our fearless President Trump and his supporters whom they hate much more than Putin and the Russians. Especially Schiffty-eyed Cheneys. OUCH!

Generally speaking, honest voting is wildly popular with the American public, but We the (90 million+) People must realize that demoMarxocrat operatives resist honest voting like the Wicked Witch of the West resisted water, but that’s where playing politics comes in. If they won’t “allow a true vote,” force them to. Our side is playing a winning hand. Of course, we need many more effective politicians willing to do their job and play politics to the max.

Julie Kelly, American Greatness: ‘What the Jan 6 Committee Hearings Won’t Cover’ …

A sham congressional committee working with a corrupt Justice Department boosted by a dishonest national media can only be expected to create political propaganda.

U.S.Representative Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) promises the January 6 Select committee hearings “will tell a story that will blow the roof of the House.” Rep. Pete Aguilar (D-Calif.) insists the committee’s “job is to tell the truth.” Turncoat Republican Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) claims her fellow committee members will be “focused on facts, not rhetoric, and we will present those facts without exaggeration, no matter what criticism we face.”

After a year of unrestrained investigation led by seasoned federal prosecutors who interrogated at least 1,000 witnesses and collected hundreds of thousands of documents including records once considered privileged material, the committee will present its findings to the American people beginning with a much-hyped primetime hearing Thursday night. Their bottom-line task is to convince the public that Trump led a “coordinated, multi-step effort to overturn the 2020 presidential election,” according to a committee tweet last week.

To spark interest in the hearing, the committee has hired, at taxpayer expense, a veteran television producer to create a “blockbuster investigative special” featuring clips of the protest and witness interviews.

Democrats hope “chilling” revelations about the four-hour disturbance at the Capitol more than 17 months ago will prevent an electoral bloodbath for the party this November. Collaboration between Congress and Joe Biden’s Justice Department has resulted in contempt charges against Trump confidants Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon; meanwhile, Biden’s handpicked U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia has criminally indicted more than 800 Americans for protesting Biden’s election on January 6. [-]

[+] … Kinzinger stated on Twitter that committee investigators had interviewed Epps and a transcript would be released. That was five months ago.

It’s highly unlikely, of course, that the committee will address any of those matters during this week’s hearing or in subsequent performances. Meanwhile, congenital liars such as Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) will perpetuate long-debunked narratives including the number of police officers who died as a result of January 6 (the answer is none) or that Trump loyalists brought firearms into the building (they didn’t).

A sham congressional committee working with a corrupt Justice Department boosted by a dishonest national media can only be expected to create political propaganda, not expose the truth; no matter how hard Liz Cheney pretends her vengeance mission is legitimate, most of the American public isn’t buying what she’s selling. [end]

Full link below including others…

When dealing with Schiffty Cheneys. Adam Schiff stiffed by Liz Cheney and Russian collusionists…

To cut to the chase … What do you do when every institution you know has been weaponized against you? What do you do when there’s a two-tier, no-justice system? It sends an unmistakable message that they can get you anytime, anywhere, on any grounds they choose. You can’t even touch a single one of them.

If by some strange occurrence “one of theirs” is brought before a court, the judge and jury will be rigged against you. The institutions within which the demoMarxocrats’ comrades colluded, will be absolved of all blame by the putative adversarial prosecutor representing the people.

Conversely, if anyone who can even be remotely affiliated with you ever lashes out in any way, it will be cast as an insurrection undertaken by terrorists. Be bold enough to raise these points, and of course, you too may be cast as a potential terrorist, and at minimum censored.

They’ll pursue your representative again and again, their colleagues, their allies, and all the way on down. When dealing with Schiffty Cheneys question the ruling class’s authority or the legitimacy of their rule, and they have a domestic counter-terrorism plan for that. This is their demoMarxocrat “democracy”, you see. And in their democracy, they win, and you lose. Thank God for the presence of President Donald John Trump!

And on that note, time for today’s MAGA Pill – the aforementioned President Donald John Trump doing his darnedest to protect the Constitutional Republic of the United States and all who reside there … MAGA! KAG!


Julie Kelly, American Greatness: What the Jan 6 Committee Hearings Won’t Cover