Unless intervention the party’s over

Go ahead, make my..

Morry Rotenberg from the comments thread: A clear and powerful case for Impeachment must be mounted immediately. It will grow and become the basis for an education campaign that cannot be stopped or papered over by our now untrustworthy press and government handmaidens of deceit. This is exactly the way to do it. Knowing full well that FJBiden won’t be removed but the truth will be made public and can’t be hidden by the complicit media.

An impeachment investigation would expose all the traitors on both sides. They have an insurance policy which is mutual-assured destruction. It also touches former and current heads of the IC, FBI, and Justice. You can’t expect the criminals to try themselves. Those swimming in the toxic swamp either actively helped install the regime or know about the plan. Nearly all have a stake in making sure the truth stays hidden. THAT!  [end]

Unless intervention the party’s over

Unreservedly, the fact is that the Constitution has been rendered moot for quite some time now to the point where who (if anyone) interprets the Constitution – Lawyers and Judges, perhaps? Remember these Lawyers and Judges go through our K-12 schools and worse yet through secondary and grad school, hardly believing what they’ve been taught in 20-years of schooling. Too late. The administrative State has sided with the demoMarxocrats and is now impervious to oversight, with the  demoMarxocrats blocking any action to undo what has already been done.

Consider this Goliath now controls the courts, the press, Wall Street, and the military, to which they’ve de-cloaked into naked tyranny. Homeland Security has long since morphed into a MASSIVE internal security operation running intelligence and criminal investigations on those who politically continue to disagree with them. And that’s us, folks. We are the enemies of state.

There are hardly those perhaps, who forget to mention that the government is continually involved in an ongoing “genocide” against its people using a real bio-weapon that it created specifically to kill and maim tens of millions of Americans. Mass murder done via government promoted “public health protocols” and separately with a “vaccine” that is actually poison which kills, sterilizes and produces turbo-cancers and auto-immune disorders which all combine to produce dead Americans. This is far worse than the open borders, which are very bad in their own right, but go figure. THAT!

As the deep state making a point, the 2020 election can install a failing old crook as the president together with a woman that even the demoMarxocrats didn’t want as the vice-president, yet removing whom they installed barely would change any of that. Given that there’s no apparent movement in the swing states towards securing their elections, the only hope of peaceful change is to turn out the vote in such large numbers in 2024 that their fraud machine breaks, which isn’t much hope, but a lot can happen in the interim.

Patricia Henry, American Thinker: ‘The Party’s Over’ …

“The ceremony of innocence is drowned: The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity.”  ~ W.B. Yeats

Osama bin Laden rightly coached his followers that “the people want to follow the ‘strong horse’ and will abandon the weak one.”  We are witnessing our nation now being destroyed by the powerful Democrat demons and betrayed by the pitiable weakness and cowardice of our Republican champions.  Unless the Republicans, the Patriots, the Conservatives, the lovers of our Constitution, quickly rise up and display backbone, this great American experiment may well perish from the earth.

Providence and our brilliant Constitution have given us a legal pathway to saving this nation, but it must be grasped and pursued with courage and righteous power.  While the Democrats dishonored the tool of Impeachment against President Trump by using false and illegitimate reasons for their debauched actions, this must not be the excuse for abandoning this worthy instrument for correcting against corruption and stupidity in our highest public offices.

The evidence for Biden’s corruption and betrayal of America mounts by the day. We cannot wait for the situation to ripen further. Too many of our institutions supporting justice and the rule of law have already been compromised by criminal behavior and subornation from the highest levels. Every day that action to bring justice is delayed, creates more despair and consternation amongst the American people. They must not be allowed to lapse into apathy and cynicism.

A clear and powerful case for Impeachment must be mounted immediately. It will grow and become the basis for an education campaign that cannot be stopped or papered over by our now untrustworthy press and government handmaidens of deceit. More and more of the foul truth about the Biden crime family and our damaged Justice system will emerge, until the trickle of whistle blowers and damning evidence becomes a rushing torrent that can wash away the stains and ugly crimes of the past three years. [-]

[+] … In the end, the only way to stop the carnage and likely destruction of America, constitutionally, is by filing and fighting for Articles of Impeachment against Joseph R. Biden. And I would argue that the same should be done against Kamala Harris. Her hands are dirty. She is a full cooperating accessory to the criminal, illegal, and unconstitutional actions of the Biden Administration.

Bringing Impeachment before the House of Representatives, giving a full airing to the criminality and misdeeds of the Biden gang would explode nationally and could not be contained or constrained by a handmaiden media. Republicans are too much like the pachyderm afraid of the Democrat mouse at their feet. For God’s sake, GOP, you must step on this rat. With enough public outcry and exposure of the illegal Biden behavior, who knows what effect this will have on Senate Democrats if an impeachment trial is held?

The Lord works in mysterious ways, and may move the more than 50% of Democrats who already want Biden gone. Remember, the Speaker of the House is third in line if replacement of the President and Vice President should happen. We need a miracle to save America. Give us that miracle. [end]

Full link below….

Unless intervention the party’s over … Leftist mobocracy will destroy USA

Lydia from comments thread: An impeachment investigation would expose all the traitors on both sides. They have an insurance policy which is mutual assured destruction. It also touches former and current heads of the the IC, FBI, and Justice. You can’t expect the criminals to try themselves. Those swimming in the toxic swamp either actively helped install the regime or know about the plan. Nearly all have a stake in making sure the truth stays hidden.

If there are any honorable men or women in government, they are vastly outnumbered by those who have too much to hide. Thus the treatment of whistleblowers and the authoritarian censorship and persecution American patriots. The Democrats will not allow an impeachment of one of their own. If they decide to get rid of him there are other ways. Threats to expose Republican collusion and perfidy will keep them in line.

Biden and Vice President Harris have violated their oaths of office. At the simplest level, they are governed by Article 2, Section 3. One doesn’t know what governs them but one does know it isn’t The Constitution. Unless intervention the party’s over. THAT!

And on that note, time for today’s MAGA Pill – Warrior-President Donald John Trump – MAGA! KAG!
