Hillary Clinton to Ed Henry yesterday: “Everybody is acting like this is the first time it’s ever happened. It happens all the time.” Oh really?? To this observant observer, it seems to me that Hillary is claiming (“it happens all the time”) that Cabinet-level secretaries routinely
1) take actions, or refuse to, that directly result in the preventable deaths of an American Ambassador and his security detail, probably because they were illegally running guns to America’s mortal enemies;
2) lead the cover-up of the government’s (and their own) active participation in 1) above;
3) use the full weight of their office to obstruct the official investigations into 1) and 2) by stonewalling, destroying evidence, etc;
4) conduct all of their official communications, over several years, including not only matters regarding 1), 2), & 3), but also every other top secret or classified matter, on unsecured, privately managed computer servers, then
5) routinely wiping those servers clean for the express purpose of avoiding FOIA requests and destroying any record of all official communications, then
6) publicly denying their participation in both 4) and 5), and finally
7) run for POTUS, claiming that all of the above are just typical partisan political attacks. Unbelievable .. really unbelievable! A simple replay of the old “everybody does it” defense. That’s just what they beat into everybody’s head during Lewinsky: it’s just sex and everybody does it. The Clinton playbook remains the same but will it work this time?
Mark my words and just pay attention .. Now they are in serious cover-up mode. Discussions will continue one-on-one and begin with the statement: “You will be pardoned by the President.” Whether this is true or not won’t matter. They have to reach the aides (headed up by Valerie Jarrett and Huma Abedin) who had been ordered to remove the “Top Secret” designations. It will be suggested that they not answer any questions – in other words to “lawyer-up”. Delay, delay, delay. I suppose there’s a chance an aide might go to jail for refusing to answer questions, although on the surface, that isn’t a crime (IRSs Lois Lerner and others taught them all well how to plead the Fifth).
All involved will already have received new phones and computers and will be compensated handsomely after Obama has left office. As with most government bureaucracies, they’ll never want for a job; tough times call for tough decisions, blah, blah, blah. We have a mission to accomplish etc. etc., and History will remember you kindly as you assisted in helping to elect the first woman president, blah, blah, blah. Bottom line, it’ll never reach Hillary. The lawyer’s battle cry: “You can’t prove it.” It’s unlikely Obama will allow the investigation to continue and she’ll get a “virtual” clean bill of health. Hopefully, her reputation has been damaged badly enough that she can’t win the election. A good Republican candidate can dissect the details and present enough FACTS to America to sink her. We know she lied to America about Benghazi and brave, patriotic Americans died. Lots of time before the election.
In the meantime, someone (Trey Gowdy?) needs to be asking for the hardcopies of those same emails that we all suspect she has squirreled away in a file box in her personal residence, perhaps in the very same place she had her “Vince Foster” files concealed in.
And finally, remember what Joe McCarthy warned us all about? There are COMMUNISTS in our government. That was 60-plus years ago, and they ran him out of Washington D.C. Now look at both parties. The entire DemoMarxist party is COMMUNIST, and most of the Republican party. Boehner, McConnell, McLame, Graham and others are just four examples of RINOs. They have an R in front of their names, but their voting records are COMMUNIST. Our courts are Communist, the N.E.A. is Communist. The media. EVERY government agency is Communist. Five supreme court justices are Communist. THAT is why our country is being destroyed.
Now to Thomas Lifson and his piece from American Thinker …
Wearing a prison-orange pantsuit yesterday, Hillary Clinton dug the hole she occupies several feet deeper with Tuesday’s North Las Vegas gym presser. Even normally supportive liberal pundits were appalled at her performance. Ron Fournier of the National Journal, who has known and been fond of the Clintons since covering them in Little Rock, counted six separate lies, evasions, and mis-directions in appearances on Fox News and MSNBC. Even Chris Matthews was shocked, discussing the presser on MSNBC’s Morning Joe this morning.
Ed Henry of Fox News distinguished himself, pressing Mrs. Clinton for nearly five minutes, asking tough questions, to which the responses were flip, using the playbook prepared by campaign communications director Jennifer Palmieri, relying on lies and evasions.
The lowest point came when, in response to Henry pressing her, on whether she had had the drive wiped, she responded, “What? Like with a cloth or something?” she asked, then laughed. “I don’t know how it works digitally at all.”
This is an unbelievably stupid attempt to use humor, reflecting an attempt to mock and therefore dismiss legitimate concerns. Like her joke in a speech over the weekend about preferring Snapchat because the messages delete themselves, it only demonstrates arrogance toward legitimate queries. Perhaps the fact that she had just addressed an adoring crowd for an hour before walking into the gym led her to believe that only a few crazies are interested in the jeopardy she placed national security in.
It appears that surrounding herself with yes-women, has given her a warped understanding of the national mood:
As she exited the gymnasium, a reporter asked her if the questions were an indication that the email controversy isn’t going away, and will dog her campaign into next year.
Clinton turned around, her hands raised in the air in a shrug. “Nobody talked to me about it — other than you guys,” she said, and then exited with her top aides around her.
Real Clear Politics summarizes the rest of the conference (video below):
“Look, I take responsibility,” Clinton said. “This didn’t turn out to be convenient at all and I regret that this has become such a cause celebre. But this does not change the facts and no matter what anybody tries to say, the facts are stubborn.”
“What I did was legally permitted,” she added.
Clinton flatly said she did not send or receive any classified documents that went through her personal e-mail account on her private server.
“Whether it was a personal account or a government account, I did not send classified material and I did not receive any material that was marked or designated classified, which is the way you know whether something is,” she said.
“The FBI believes you tried to wipe the entire server,” Henry stated. “Did you try to wipe the entire [server] so that there would be no emails, no personal or no official?”
“Well, my personal e-mails are my personal business, right?” Clinton responded.
HILLARY CLINTON: Look, I take responsibility. Look, I just told Jeff, in retrospect, this didn’t turn out to be convenient at all and I regret that this has become such a cause celebre. But this does not change the facts and no matter what anybody tries to say, the facts are stubborn. What I did was legally permitted, number one, first and foremost, okay? Number two, I turned over — out of an abundance of an attempt to be helpful — over anything that I even thought was even vaguely related. In fact, they’ve already concluded more than 1,200 of the e-mails I gave them have nothing to do with the work, and I said make them public. And that’s the process that one goes through to make them public. So, I know there’s a certain level of, you know, sort of anxiety or interest in this, but the facts are the facts.
Ed, you’re not listening to me — Ed, if it were — well, if it were a government account, they would be saying the same thing. The fact — no, no, no. Well, look — first of all, that is not in any way agreed upon. State Department disagrees. That happens all the time in these efforts to say what can go out and what can’t go out. That is a part of the ordinary process.
Everybody is acting like this is the first time it’s ever happened. It happens all the time. And I can only tell you that the State Department has said over and over again, we disagree. So, that’s what they’re sorting out and that’s what happens a lot of the times. But whether it was a personal account or a government account, I did not send classified material and I did not receive any material that was marked or designated classified, which is the way you know whether something is.
What you’re seeing now is a disagreement between agencies saying, you know what? They should have. And the other saying no, they shouldn’t. That has nothing to do with me. If it had been a government account and I said release it, we’d be having the same arguments.
ED HENRY, FOX NEWS: The FBI believes you tried to wipe the entire server. Did you try to wipe the entire — so that there would be no emails, no personal or no official?
CLINTON: Well, my personal e-mails are my personal business, right?
Here is the video: