In America on the Cusp of God’s Grace, under “Part Three: Conflicting Ideologies”, I devote fifteen chapters to the “clear and present danger” of Islamic Jihadist Muslim Infiltration into the United States – aided and abetted, no less, by the United States Government itself – led by a traitor in the White House. In a nutshell, let me give you right here (as a lead-in to an alarming piece from today’s American Thinker by Carol Brown, titled “The Twin Cities Have An ISIS Problem”) the shortened version of the content of those fifteen chapters, as it relates to the overwhelming insurgence into the United States of illiterate hordes of Islamic Jihadist Muslims forcing the United States government into committing “seppuku” or hara kiri, thus sending the Constituional Republic into a severe political and humanitarian tailspin.
All Islamic Muslims in the world are jihadists, since waging jihad upon Western civilization in one form or another is a fundamental “holy” obligation, mandatory for all Muslims. Since Islam is an extremely radical form of totalitarianism, all Muslims in the world are also jihadists – there are no so-called “moderate Muslims” anywhere, otherwise, they become outlawed as apostates, ie, ex-Muslims and thereby subject to an automatic death penalty usually by stoning, hanging, beheading, or being tossed off high buildings.
Mass Muslim migration for demographic conquest of infidel nation-states has been the primary mode of jihad employed by Islam for the past several centuries, actually beginning with the rise of Islam in 732 AD when Charles Martel and his armies turned the hordes back from Europe at the Battle of Poitiers in France.
Islamic Muslims, no matter where they arise in the infidel world, never ever assimilate or integrate themselves into the host nation. First thing they do upon arrival is to develop Muslim enclaves that in time, inevitably morph into Muslim no-go zones ruled by Shari’ah Law, and that are, in effect, fledgling independent Islamic Shari’ah “statelets” nestling as a Trojan Horse within the larger host infidel states.
Their long-term strategic plan is to infiltrate Western societies, institutions, schools of learning and city and state governments for eventual demographic conquest, and this is achieved in three phases:
- The first phase is mass Muslim migration with all of its excess baggage to thoroughly infiltrate targeted infidel societies. During this first phase, for the most part, Islamic Muslim stealth jihadists portray themselves through “taqiyya” to be peaceful, moderate, and tolerant neighbors.
- The second phase begins when the proportion of Muslims in any given neighborhood exceeds critical mass. Once that happens, the state and the host country is basically doomed, as it is subject to progressively more and greater violent jihad as the population of Muslims continues to increase. The purpose of the violence is to “Islamize” the infidels for the final phase, which is the eventual imposition of Shari’ah Law.
- The third and final phase begins once the proportion of the Muslim population reaches majority. In this final phase the Muslims will increase the level of violence dramatically to impose Shari’ah Law, which is nothing more than draconian Islamic totalitarian law. When this final phase is complete, all the Christians and Jews will have been rendered into harsh and degrading dhimmitude and forced to pay the jizya with willing submission, and the atheists, agnostics, non-Christians, and non-Jews will be given the choice between submission to Allah or the sword.
Between the South of the Border people and Islamic Muslims, this country is imploding, and if this is happening in the Twin Cities, what are we to make of the state of Dearbornistan, Michigan which has been totally transformed in the past 40 years from a dyed-in-the-wool middle class suburb of Detroit, into a 7th-Century Islamic Jihadist Muslim hell-hole, home of the biggest mosque in America?? What’s important in Islam is not how individual Muslims elect to wage jihad so much as that they actually do it to fulfill their fundamental “holy” obligation.
On now, to Carol Brown and her piece…
Minneapolis-St. Paul has what the media refers to as “an ISIS problem.”
It’s no coincidence ISIS is recruiting in the Twin Cities area. There is a huge population of 30,000 Somali Muslims who live there.
I would say the area has a Muslim problem, but that’s just me.
A recent Business Insider report states there has been a “string of Islamic State-related arrests over roughly the last year” due to the “large Somali community.” Andrew Lugar, U.S. Attorney for Minnesota, speaking at an FBI news conference stated: “To be clear. We have a terror-recruiting problem in Minnesota…Parents and loved ones should know that there is not one master recruiter organizing in the Somali community locally…the person radicalizing your son, your brother, your friend, may not be a stranger. It may be their best friend right here in town.”
The article also addresses former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder’s community outreach program to curb the growing trend of young Somalis joining ISIS — a program the Twin Cities participated in. The program included “outreach to Somali youth, after-school and mentorship programs, community engagement by local police officers, increasing the number of Somali officers, and jobs and education programs.”
You know, because if only they had jobs, all would be well. Or so some still contend, against all evidence.
Meanwhile, Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges jumped into the fray on the one year anniversary of the outreach pilot program: “Minneapolis’ Somali community is a tremendous asset to our city.” (Mayor Hodges is a full blown dhimmi as you can see in the photo below, wearing a hijab to a meeting with members of the Somali community.)
And just how is the Somali community a “tremendous asset” to the city? Let me count the ways.
Per The Clarion Project, last summer a federal grand jury in St. Paul investigated 20 – 30 Somalis alleged to be plotting to join ISIS. A local CBS affiliate reported that “for the past seven years, federal agents have been investigating and prosecuting Minnesota’s so-called “terror pipeline.”
Just how big of an “asset” is a “terror pipeline?
Per National Review, investigations connected 21 Minneapolis Somalis-turned-jihadists with local mosques — mosques that claimed to have a “zero tolerance policy toward extremism.” (I guess it all depends what your definition of “extremism” is. Not to mention the taqiyya factor.)
The National Review article continued: “The problem likely resides in Somali culture, particularly as it has found expression in America. Somali cashiers at Minneapolis Targets have refused to check out pork products. Somali cab drivers at the Minneapolis–St. Paul International Airport have refused to transport passengers with dogs or with alcohol. And these are not ‘radicals.’…most American Somalis prefer, when it comes to the U.S. of A., to have one foot in and one out….”
Meanwhile, in addition to the burgeoning population of jihadists and those asserting supremacy through creeping Sharia, there’s the issue of government dependency. Consortium of Defense Analysts reported that “many of the Somali refugees remain dependent on welfare, while the young men become radicalized by unscrupulous imams.”
Wow. Is that ever a losing combination for the rest of us, or what?
Addressing the ever-present silence in the Muslim community following terror attacks, Robert Spencer wrote: “when Islamic jihadists mostly from Somalia, and apparently including some Somali Muslims who lived in the United States, carried out a bloody jihad massacre at Nairobi’s Westgate Mall, the ‘Twin Cities Somali community’ mounted no protest against this alleged twisting and hijacking of their peaceful religion.”
World Net Daily (WND) had an illuminating piece that began with a brief overview of the Refugee Act of 1980, explaining that after five years refugees can become U.S. citizens, after which time they can bring family members.
Good deal for them. Bad deal for us.
The report at WND also explained that the federal government targets Minnesota (among a handful of other states) for Somali refugee resettlement because the state has “generous social-welfare programs and strong network of Christian charities.”
Family Security Matters described how Somali immigrants have “transformed small towns and cities throughout the United States into tuulas (Somali villages).” It reported on how American Somalis live in insular communities and, compared to the general population, are the least educated, have the highest unemployment rate, and have the highest poverty rate. They do appear to be willing to live in remote regions of the country as long as the welfare system is easy to access.
The newcomers have shown scant interest in securing employment. When Renee Bernier, the president of the Lewiston city council, offered to hire 30 Somalis at the rate of $8 to $10 an hour to hold warning signs at construction sites, few displayed interest. The handful, who did apply, said that they were only willing to work between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.
Tell me when we get to the “asset” part, because I think I missed it.
Read more on the same topic from Daniel Greenfield in today’s FrontPageMagazine…