Talk about “Deja Vu all over again”, the village snake of evil intent (aka the demented cellar dweller) has taken us back some 50 years, and all in less than 4 months. Like millions of others, yours truly would like to blame those who voted for him, but half of them of course don’t even exist. The other half are simply chinwags being miserable.
We the (80 million+) People are the true believers!
In case you’ve been asleep for the aforementioned 4 months, the planetary Marxists – close cousins to the other half of America aka demoMarxocrats – would appear to be now running the worldwide show. Or attempting to. Dementia is a slow boiler in most Marxist hangouts, but fortunately for them, they finally propped up a withering throwback – circle-back, maybe?! – who’s been around the United States government accomplishing nothing for the past 50+ years while somehow making himself and his family members, multi-multi millionaires.
While I think of it be sure and check today’s piece by Robert Arvay linked down below, to which I append this opener:
“Leftist theory has become terminally self-contradictory. Like a snake eating itself, leftism ensures its own doom. Unfortunately, it can take down much of the society with it”.
“Its self-contradictions are numerous. As one begins to add up all the popular leftist causes from the 1960s onward, we find a growing number of striking inconsistencies. For example, the empowerment of women has morphed into the empowerment of men who think they are women, who then displace real women. The concern for the working class has now become concern for illegal aliens, who are displacing the working class by taking jobs at substandard wages”. [end – full link below]
While it seems like We the (80 million+) People mean NOTHING to them, they have theirs worldwide with the hope that they will never, ever suffer financially again. Birthed at the waist with their Chinese brethren, they operate in true “circle-back” manner with “killing-fields” efficiency.
Examples: Covid; one party rule elicited from election theft; gas shortages; toilet paper shortages; small business decimation; whole life plan to kill off old people; race war; Maoist surveillance; chaos in the streets; releasing criminals; mass shootings every day; attempts to take away 2nd amendment rights … and all happening right before our very eyes, to which they fully intend not to stop until it’s over. It’s not demented Biden, nor even “do-nothing Harris” – both will be gone soon when chaos reaches maximum level.
Sundance, Conservative Treehouse: ‘WH Occupant Reads Teleprompter to spin Desperately Horrific Policy Outcomes’ …
The White House occupant appeared today to deliver remarks on some key issues that are catastrophic to the long-term goals of the leftist administration.
First, let’s be clear; there’s no-way the Chicago control agents would allow the installed occupant to speak on any issue, publicly, that was not a direct and measurable threat to their long-term goals.
The remarks today by Joe Biden are carefully scripted to diffuse political damage that is pending as a direct outcome of the executed policies.
The risks and remarks are in the following order:
(1) Gas Prices – The JoeBama energy policy is “necessarily” making fuel prices at the pump jump dramatically. The teleprompter is loaded with disinformation to place the blame for higher gas prices upon a pipeline hack, which JoeBama intentionally points out is a private sector issue – that now needs government intervention as part of his infrastructure program. This nuanced shift is clearly part of the Chicago maneuver toward socialist control of all levels of energy development and distribution.
The political risk is obvious. Massive increases at the gas pump will hit the middle class extremely hard. Democrats are to blame for these gas prices and they are worried about the political fallout. Ergo, JoeBama is told to read his script.
(2) Mass Unemployment and Terrible Jobs Numbers – The COVID bailout has created massive incentives for people not to return to work. It is only not a laziness and comfortable dependency issue, it is also an economic decision. Low wage workers can make more sitting at home getting unemployment to combine with their COVID bailout money than they can returning to work.[-]
[+] … The downstream consequences of this double-speak are very predictable. Employment lawyers are going to have a field day against employers who force the vaccination; yet the federal government is telling employers to force the vaccination. You can smell the crippling lawsuits cooking from over the horizon.
The bottom line is simple…. The Democrats can see a political backlash coming that is going to overwhelm them. No amount of spin or manipulative talking points will change the outcome of the reality people are feeling. Massive increases in gas prices combined with massive inflation is the exact policy outcome from Jimmy Carter. The Chicago crew is trying to find a way out of the blast zone for what is coming….[end]
See full link below with others…
So there we have it … The village snake of evil intent isn’t even aware of anything, other than simply rubber stamping whatever his handlers shove in front of him. Never had a coherent policy of his own and has never had an original thought his entire time in politics. Often been described as a vicious buffoon with a small intellect and I don’t see anything to contradict that assessment. The critical situation right now is the nation being operated by puppeteers from Chicago and their lobbyist Mafiosi friends.
They’re counting on COVID and climate change, HR1 and the rest of the list up above to change election laws in their favor. They want to make more Americans dependent on government. They believe they can keep power by constantly playing one group of Americans against another, while the the media keeps up a smoke screen. The intel agencies are corrupted, working to target the demoMarxocrat political enemies.
Only a MAGA leader can try to change this. And We the (80 million+) People know instinctively who that is. And then there’s GOD!
So on that note, time for today’s MAGA Pill – the true current President Donald J. Trump – MAGA! KAG!
- Sundance, Conservative Treehouse: WH Occupant Reads Teleprompter to spin Desperately Horrific Policy Outcomes
- And not to be outdone: Federal Bureau of Intentional Lying Claims Fuel Pipeline Cyber Attack is Darkside Ransomware
- Plus added attraction with White House Statement on Gas Lines Beginning on East Coast as Fuel Starts Running Out
- See also Robert Arvay, American Thinker: Leftism: The Snake is Eating Itself