There’s an excellent article in today’s American Thinker from radio host Rich Logis with a very appropriate header of “Why Won’t Barack Obama Go Away?” which is provoking some very astute comments from brainiacs I admire on the attendant comments thread. Having culled my way through the list I can assure you that We the People are well equipped to fix the nation if only we can get our stupefied politicians of both parties under control.
It isn’t that Obama won’t go away, but rather that he can’t go away.
Consider his conundrum with what is happening at the present time from investigative titans like The Conservative Treehouse, FrontPageMagazine, ZeroHedge, The Daily Wire, Judicial Watch, and yes, the busy writers at American Thinker, putting all the lamestream Big Fake News Media to shame in unraveling the corruption par excellence that is the hallmark of Obama’s long-forgotten administration.
From his Fake Birth Certificate, to his fake bio, to the many scandals and corrupt acts of his so-called ‘presidency’, Obama’s dilemma is that he must hang around to prevent the exposure of the truth and the further destruction of his vaunted ‘legacy.’
These are just for starters: Fast & Furious; IRS targeting; FISA abuse against news reporters; Benghazi; Pigford I and II; VA Hospitals; Stimulus; Uranium One; use of Fusion GPS against both Romney and Trump; illegal campaign contributions; Fake Russian Dossier; Iran Deal, etc etc.
Am I wrong?
Like a narcissist at a gathering, who immediately assumes that everyone is talking about him and ‘works the room’ to ensure that only good things are said, Obama has to ‘work’ the Beltway and the Leftist Media to prevent further cracks in his so-called ‘presidential pedestal’. This isn’t about community organizing for a cause. It’s about Ego. Obama’s ego can’t stand any negative comments about himself nor his total incompetence and utter corruption as faux President.
Rich Logis and his opener …
Why do those who criticize Donald Trump for not being a “traditional” president fawn over President Obama not being a “traditional” post-presidential citizen?
I would say Michelle and Barack Obama are back in the news, but they’ve never left the news since the 22nd Amendment mercifully exiled them from the Oval Office last year. When President Clinton took the oath of office in 1992, President George H.W. Bush went away. When President George W. Bush assumed power in 2000, President Clinton went away (until the prospect of being the first gentleman came a-knockin’). When President Obama placed his hand on President Lincoln’s Bible in 2008, President Bush went away.
When President Trump made his miraculous win constitutionally official last year, President Obama went away, back to Chicago, to administer the death and destruction left in the wake of 30,000 consecutive days of Democrat rule over the Windy City.
Just kidding: Obama moved into a $5-million D.C. mansion – but only after the wall surrounding the 8,000-square-foot mansion was completely erected. Oh, and Obama’s former senior adviser, Valerie Jarrett, moved in with the Obamas, which is just bizarrely weird. It’s like House of Cards meets Three’s Company; rumor has it that Val makes a mean Belgian waffle with an Iranian secret touch.
Obama the Hollywood star
The Obamas are in talks with Netflix to produce their own show, and let’s face it: that deal is as good as done. I can already envision the episodes: “Louis Farrakhan: The Misunderstood Bigot,” “How to Community Organize and Eat Deep Dish Pizza at the Same Time,” “The Raúl Castro Interview, Part 2 (Raul Still Thinks America Sucks, and Who Am I to Disagree?).”
One episode I suspect won’t be produced is “Why I Will Remain the de Facto President for the Resistance for the Next Decade.”
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One of the commenters with the moniker ‘allengen’ puts it this way: The left is worse than herpes, and will keep showing up when least expected or wanted. First they were called communists and Marxists. Then they hid behind the name progressive, but they haven’t changed since the days of Marx, Stalin, Lenin or Mao. Alinsky updated the old creed for a new era but with the same underlying logic and agenda, to create chaos, to bring down the West, and to use the chaos to fundamentally transform a hated society based on free enterprise and personal liberty. This is not complicated. If we don’t stop them, they will win.
Now how concise is that?
To repeat with what is becoming my signature sign-off meme:
America has forever been full of the ‘enemies within’ and the current generation is seemingly no different. But as I constantly trumpet (pun intended) our nationalism, populism, and a new courageous president is all that stands in the way of these continuing threats from the liberal Leftist DemoMarxists.
A real threat that we ignore at our peril.
Thank God for President Donald J. Trump for being so insightful and intuitive – MAGA!
Video from 2014: Loretta Fuddy; the Cult of Subud; Barack Obama and real father?
See also Jason Kissner in American Thinker from 2012: Barack Hussein Soebarkah?
And Forbes: Pigford II: Politically Correct Wealth Redistribution Infects Obama USDA