If you are self-absorbed to the extreme and have lived your life not in the real world, but the world of symbols; and if your strategies consist of hash-tags and signalling; and if your career as a community organizer was built on “identifying the target, freezing it, personalizing it and polarizing it” as expressed by the communist Saul Alinsky, then it would make sense to you that if you took out Bin Laden and Jihadi John, the problem would be solved. But to anyone else with half a brain, it is pure fantasy and magical thinking – Welcome to the world of OBO the Clown Prince and his band of Circus performers – a terroristic pantomime of Cirque du Soleil.
Ben Rhodes appears on television with his squinting eyes, face hair shadows, and claims those Syrians coming to America will be vetted. He uses the term ISIL at every opportunity as he looks directly into the camera. Nothing comes out of his mouth close to saying “radical Islamic”, nor does one hear such a phrase from any major DemoMarxist. Pundits go about asking “where’s Obama’s strategy” on dealing with ISIS? We hear much about “legacy” and other wondrous notions, as if such thoughts have true significance.
The old joke of the “fox protecting the hen house” comes to mind. OBO the Clown Prince is our fox, is he not? Will it take a hidden video camera at the hen house to prove this? We saw what the response to those Planned Parenthood videos wrought from this administration and its pals. Perhaps we will need a moment where the Clown Prince bites into a chicken and attempts to carry it out of our hen house in his mouth, all the while smiling while telling us the other old joke of the wife coming home to discover her husband in bed with her best girlfriend from next door where he says “Honey, are you going to believe me or your lying eyes?”
Like O.J. Simpson dramatically acting polemically with a piece of evidence known as a hand glove, OBO the Clown Prince learned at a very young age that lying could get him what he sought. Even Hillary understands this mode of behavior. What if – just what if – we have elected (or, rather, “elevated”) a vast number of “great liars” to our national government offices of power? What if liars rule the roost in our society? Who really likes to be lied to? When does one get tired of such behavior? What happens next? No more lies? Can anyone imagine the Clown Prince or Clinton the Clown Princess not lying, at this point in time? Talk about vetting…
Go back and watch the so-called “press conference” with the Clown Prince in Turkey, noting ad nauseum that yet again he has a list of those who he calls upon to ask the rehearsed questions. Note the body language poseur prevalent amongst serial liars; OBO the Clown Prince is snarky, very defensive and explains his choices (which he never directly identifies, there is so much grey coloring in his world) as if he were a teacher talking to stupid students, who will leave “his class” going out into the “killing fields” he attempts to tell us is under control. He defends Islamic Muslims, noting that those countries he loves are so tolerant, condemning those who say Islam is the problem, all the while again presenting his diarrhea of the mouth!
“Question time” begins at the 8:20 mark after the opening comments…
The “dark humor” of all of this scripted event is where one notes the stage from which the Clown Prince lectures the world. Note the American flag on his right (screen left), then note the Turkish flag on his left (screen right), an Islamic Muslim flag. OBO the Clown Prince, framed by his beliefs, defending them as best he can, intolerant to those who disagree with his world view. He is the enemy to America, smiling and lying his way to tyranny, opening the gates of evil to invite them to do their work everywhere! His “one world” notion is indeed grand, and yet – yet reality beckons.
OBO the Clown Prince (as befits “royalty”) hates reality, much preferring his orchestrated dream world where, if you interrupt his dreams, his choice of assassin, a drone, may visit you. The Paris attack reminds me of the long-ago Tet Offensive; will the west, under the soft porn leadership of OBO the Clown Prince survive? Evil, don’t forget, always wants to win, since the god of this world is a steadfast and determined foe.
Final thought on the Clown Prince and his phony press conference: Listen closely to his stated comments on his “strategy” to fight terrorism. He is giving the strategy that ISIS is using to fight us and other western nations, nothing more, nothing less. He tells us how they intend to fight us. Now, who’s side is he on? Certainly not mine, I being an American. Our enemy is here, right amongst us, and he smiles a lot, uses a lot of words he really doesn’t understand (they’re written for him, don’t forget), and throws out the finest “fairy dust” that a majority of Americans have ever experienced. And if you watch and listen very carefully, you’ll witness him once again reveal his true Islamic Muslim faith, just as he did in one of his first interviews with George Stephosyphilis, who had to correct him to keep him from embarrassing himself. And by the way, did you spot Susan Rice sitting in the front row?
Heck at this point, what difference does it make?
More: An enthralling read from the erudite Richard Fernandez titled Salvaging the Tatters of the Obama Doctrine…
Plus: RedSate and How Disastrous was Obama’s Press Conference in Turkey?
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