Michael Reagan To Oprah : Quit The Racism…

Forest Whitaker, Oprah Winfrey

Of all the people in America who should be extolling the greatness, exceptionalism, history and entrepreneurial excellence of the greatest Constitutional Republic ever to grace planet earth, it is one rather large black lady known simply as Oprah, from the same city, Chicago, as the current occupant of We the People’s mansion at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. Michael Reagan has had just about enough of her bigoted racism against her white fellow-citizens and takes her to task with an open letter that pulls no punches. “Come on, Oprah. You’re way too smart to be this stupid. When are you going to get off this kick about Barack Obama being disrespected more than previous presidents just because he is a black man? It’s getting embarrassing, Oprah. Continues…