On Tuesday of this week the Lynch/Clinton meet and greet (and what an unfortunate pun that is) took place in a private plane on the Phoenix airport tarmac. The following day, DOJ officials filed a motion in federal court seeking a 27-month delay in producing correspondence between former Secretary of State Clinton’s four top aides and officials within the Clinton Foundation. MMMMMMMMM… Coincidence, or conspiracy? Anyone having followed the corrupt trail of the Clintonista’s since Arkansas days would quickly arrive at the conclusion that with liberal-leftist-progressive DemoMarxists, there are NO such things as ”coincidences”, only mind-boggling levels of corruption. So take your pick out of an array of many options. Heck, 97% of all politicians would agree that it’s “settled science” that the meeting was only about discussing grandchildren, therefore only bigoted grandchildren deniers would think otherwise!
This was not a “private” meeting, it was a secret meeting until some ground crew or jet crew dropped a dime on them. And the worst of it is that if Bubba taped her (bet on it) then he now owns her by blackmail. “Hey Loretta, hate to see this tape given to Matt Drudge…” Like many others, I’ve been tailing these two career criminals since 1992 and with them, there’s no such thing as “a coincidence”. Everything is planned. Remember, the “Mena Mafia” was very real, eventually morphing into the Clinton Foundation. On the other hand of course, if it were truly a secret meeting, we could assume that none of us would have ever heard about it. So this was leaked? Back to “There are no coincidences with this rotten bunch”, and presumably we’ll find out why soon enough.
In the meantime, for the nation’s top law enforcement official to have a long private meeting with the husband of a person under investigation for serious crimes, and whose own foundation is also under investigation on corruption charges, leads to the obvious conclusion that a secret deal to avoid prosecution may have been discussed. There is already overwhelming evidence in the public domain that Hildebeast has committed multiple felonies due to her mishandling of classified information, but to DemoMarxist leftists, their political leaders are not subject to mere laws. You can’t be a Democrat if you have any ethics. What is worse than the AG having a meeting with the spouse of a person under investigation by the DOJ is having a meeting with a person who may also be a witness or even a target of the same investigation. This is not a mistake, it is judicial malpractice. Lynch must recuse herself and a Special Prosecutor be appointed. But the odds are that neither will happen. Which says a lot about the level of corruption to which We The people have been witnesses.
In closing, remember this. Nixon had 18 minutes of talk about DNC campaign secrets erased. He paid dearly for that. Not even addressing the pay to play corruption of her State Dept and Clinton Foundation, the Hildebeast made off with property that belonged to the American people, destroyed most of it, compromised our national security, and then lied over and over about it. This “president”, OBO the Clown Prince of Fools not only allowed it, he took part in it. Obama appointed Loretta Lynch to her position. If she prosecutes she will have to call Obama to testify as a witness. And guess who nominated Loretta Lynch to serve as the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York in 1999 – none other than President William Jefferson Clinton. Welcome to the DemoMarxist Party. It’s just one big incestuous happy family, isn’t it?
And all at the expense of We The people and the sovereignty of the Constitutional Republic of the United States.
David Harsanyi and “Bill Clinton And Loretta Lynch Don’t Have An Optics Problem, They Have A Corruption Problem” from The Federalist…
Attorney General Loretta Lynch tells us that her meeting with Bill Clinton aboard a private jet on the Phoenix airport’s tarmac was “primarily social”—you know, just the two Democrats swapping stories about their grandkids and whatnot.
The nation’s top law enforcement official and the former president and husband of the presumptive nominee, who is under federal investigation, had a talk. Rather than conceding that such a private encounter is at the very least a conflict of interest, Democrats preemptively complained about the “optics.” Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.), for instance, told CNN Lynch “should have steered clear” and that the meeting “sends the wrong signal.”
What signal is that? Do Coons and every other politician “groaning” about the optics of the meeting understand that they’re arguing for Lynch to recuse herself from the Clinton investigation? As Sen. John Cornyn (R-Tex.), who’s been pushing for a special counsel for a while, pointed out, there is a clear ethical duty for an Attorney General to recuse herself at the mereappearance of impartiality—a standard this little meeting clearly meets.
The requirement of recusal does not arise in every instance, but only where a conflict of interest exists or there is an appearance of a conflict of interest or loss of impartiality.
Acknowledging that the meeting was bad “optics” is a way for Democrats to intimate that while some rubes might get the wrong idea, there’s really nothing unethical about it. But they can’t know that’s true, can they? One of the parties involved is Bill Clinton, who’s already been impeached for lying under oath and obstructing justice. The other is Loretta Lynch, who’s politicized virtually every major case under her watch.
Continues in The Federalist…