Kamala-Kreepy Joe komedy kings…

Go ahead, make my…

Kamala Harris (call her KAM-Ala as all the screw-loose CNN, MSNBC talking heads insist) is not eligible for the office of President or Vice President of the United States. Kreepy Joe is unfit for both. Dementia after all, is a decidedly deadly disease.

Kamala Harris is not a natural born citizen; her parents weren’t citizens at the time of her birth. They may not even have been green card holders, meaning they were in a legal sense VISITORS to the United States. Her parents divorced when she was a child and her mother relocated to Montreal, Quebec (Canada, for those loose immigrants) when Harris was 12 and attending High school. She didn’t grow up in the United States. If we disallow the children of non-resident aliens from birthright citizenship, the same should apply to this woman.

Further doubt is cast upon her status by the fact her maternal grandfather was an Indian Diplomat. If the basis for her mother’s entry to the US was as family of a credentialed diplomat, birthright citizenship rules as currently interpreted do not apply to her.

So much then for the Kamala Kreepy-Joe komedy kings – whoops, in her case ‘Kamala komedy kueen’!

Kamala-Kreepy Joe komedy kings…

The issue is whether the GOP can use these arguments, which will be met with (you guessed it) –  the race card, “birther”, slings and arrows, and so on, and so forth. Not clear at this point it’s a winning argument. Looked up the bio of Harris’ parents in Wikipedia: Mother: High-caste Indian, a (racist?) system that still exists over there. Father: Descendant of Jamaican slave owner. Harris’ “black” side = slave owner. Oops!

Mmmm … Shades of OBO#44, as I recall. All of which might be better arguments. But I digress.

On the other hand of course, ‘side piece’ Kamala is another strong feminist woman like Hillary, the very same who owes her entire political career to the sexual predator she was married to. ‘Side Piece’ of course, owes her own political career to the sexual predator that was married to somebody else. Remove the man from each and neither of them have political careers. Currently, Side Piece Harris will insure PDJT wins the women’s vote by an even larger margin than he did the first time. At cross hairs with Shakespeare’s ‘Taming of the Shrew’ isn’t quite the arena one would expect to be entwined in!

Face it – 9 times out of 10 Blacks will vote for the person of color when presented with the person of color. Generally, their thinking simply doesn’t extend beyond skin color. What’s really going to help the Dem ticket is that Harris is still ‘For Sale’. It’s obvious she’ll say anything, do anything, take on any opinion, all to advance her career. Reminder – she began her ‘career’ in the bed of iniquity.

J. B. Shurk, American Thinker: ‘Biden-Harris Ticket is a Real Stunner’ …

I’ll say this for the Biden-Harris-Obama ticket: it has a complete monopoly on foolishness this election cycle. Forty percent of Americans believe Biden to be suffering from dementia, and sixty percent don’t believe he’ll survive a full term as president, but he still answers policy questions more lucidly than his chosen successor.

When Old Joe can’t answer a question, he gets mean, screams obscenities, and begins shaking his fist. When Kamala Harris can’t answer a question, she grins like a Cheshire cat and starts whooping and giggling as if she’s part of Hillary Clinton’s hyena pack. Asking them a question together will be like watching a pair of psychotics riding a Ritalin overdose to the moon.

Harris strongly believes Biden to be a serial abuser of women but will do everything in her power to elevate the hair-sniffing predator to groper-in-chief.  Biden can’t remember Harris’s name without looking down at his notes but will do anything that the “clean and articulate” black man standing beside him demands. Biden is so lost in the past that he has no idea where he is; Harris’s past is so sketchy that she can’t tell us where she’s been. They’re such a mixed bag of lunacy and screechiness that they make the Democrats’ last nominee for president look downright steady and sober.

Isn’t Kamala Harris just Hillary Clinton 2.0 with fewer years? If Hillary’s inauthenticity and lack of charm could be bottled into a perfume, there’s no doubt Kamala would reek of it. Hillary’s a congenital liar with a “credibly accused” rapist for a husband; Kamala’s a congenital liar with a “credibly accused” molester as a running mate. Hillary has never run into a setback she can’t blame on her sex; Kamala has never run into a setback she can’t fix with sexual favor. Hillary used the Lincoln Bedroom for cheap campaign cash; Kamala used Willie Brown’s bedroom for cheap campaign counseling. Hillary likes to get up before black audiences and steal their accent; Kamala likes to get up before black audiences and steal their history. In a Venn diagram of Americans who find both women appealing, the overlap would consist entirely of Rob Reiner and whoever’s chained up in Rob Reiner’s basement.[-]

[+] … Whenever I hear Biden or Harris talk about their long struggles in support of the black community, all I hear is Steve Martin’s voice from The Jerk solemnly declaring, “I was born a poor black child.” If Biden’s decades of pushing criminal legislation targeting “super predators” on the streets and Harris’s years of building a “tough on crime” reputation at the expense of blacks who couldn’t afford representation in court serve as their best arguments for black Americans’ support, then they have no good argument at all.

Black Americans were left poorer during the Obama-Biden years; they have seen the greatest economic growth in history during Donald Trump’s presidency.[-]

[+] … Kamala Harris might be Joe Biden’s most natural successor. They’re both empty suits who passionately advocate for whatever cause is in fashion while cashing checks from masters, not voters. On Biden’s forehead, there’s a stamp that says “Made in China”; on Harris’s forehead, there’s a stamp that says “Made in George Soros’s Basement.” [-]

Full authentic Kamala-Kreepy Joe komedy kings audacious link below…

Kamala-Kreepy Joe komedy kings brings laugh to president…

From the piece: It must be tough for Obama to keep a Supreme Court justice, a speaker of the House, and a former vice president all alive long enough to regain power.

Asking them a question together will be like watching a pair of psychotics riding a Ritalin overdose to the moon. [end]

Too funny! I keep thinking the same thing; how all these DemoMarxocrats hang on well past their ‘use by date’ and in the eternal quest for power no Dem voter ever seems to mind. Maybe since the bench is so thin they have to keep the ‘olde garde’ on standby until the mortician arrives!

And on that hilarious note, time for today’s MAGA Pill – The entertaining and American productive President Donald J. Trump – MAGA! KAG!


J. B. Shurk, American Thinker: Biden-Harris Ticket is a Real Stunner