Novelist Howard Rotberg writing in FrontPage Magazine, posits the question: What If Islam Took Control Of The White House? He then takes us on an editorial journey with the predictable answer to the question; it already has, in the form of one, Barack Hussein. Not only that, but Islam is firmly entrenched in the comings and goings of the many Muslim Brotherhood Jihadists who have seemingly free reign to come and go at will in WE THE PEOPLE’S mansion…
“The other day, I began to worry what would happen if Islam took over the American government and placed one of their own in the White House. I started to think about the agenda that Islamists would want their president to fulfill. Here are some of my thoughts: [1] He would make it clear that the American Constitution and the history of American freedoms were no more exemplary than the history of Islam. He would argue that America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, he would say, they overlap and share common principles. He would be clear in his moral equivalence between America and the totalitarian Islamic regimes. He might go so far as to say the “common principles” were justice and progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.” Islam in the White House continues ..