Human trafficking ‘hunter’ paradise

Go ahead, make my…

Human trafficking ‘hunter’ paradise … Were Donald John Trump not the current president, We the (63 million) People would never find out half of what we now know about how institutions in America operate. “Obamagate” alone is quite a tale.

The ‘confidence man’ conducts his dirty deeds after establishing his apparent trustworthiness. Over the years many Priests and Scout Masters have betrayed the trust put in them. Some do-gooder organizations, ministries and charities for instance, have all been the sheepskin hiding the wolf beneath. We the caring bunch do what we can to protect ourselves and those we love.

Increasingly-so, however, we live in a world of much, much, evil, and thereby a world in much need. It is after all, a fertile ground for the confidence man; breaks one’s heart, angers one’s emotions; devastates the psyche into despair. These are children we’re talking about.

Human trafficking ‘hunter’ paradise…

The Biden’s are part and parcel of a much greater systemic evil. The same system that labels those who support traditional American values such as God, the rule of Constitutional law and family, as being “domestic terrorists“. To them WE are the enemy because WE stand for everything they are not. Pedophiliac human traffickers.

This is seriously depraved stuff. It is evil, and unfortunately, it is barely the tip of the iceberg. There’s a lot more that no one knows about, yet. The Bidens, the demoMarxocrat Party, and all of the Biden minions are destroying evidence as fast as they can. Doubtless, they’ve a lot to hide, but as usual, their favored solution will be to grab power by any means necessary.

The entire demoMarxocrat leadership from Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Waters, Feinstein, Nadler and the rest is desperate to avoid justice and power-mongering is the only way they can get it. As their indictments go, so will their desperation and ruthlessness.

A dark winter indeed, Mr. Biden. You should know. You’ve spent your entire life in darkness.

Daniel Greenfield, FrontPageMag: ‘Hunter Biden Chaired a Child Abuse Foundation while Engaging in it’…

The Hunter Biden laptop at the center of the political scandal had a sticker on it with the name of the Beau Biden Foundation. The sticker has been widely reported, but not its full name.

The full name of the foundation named after Joe Biden’s son and Hunter Biden’s brother is the Beau Biden Foundation for the Protection of Children. It’s both tragic and disgusting then that Rudy Giuliani has alleged that the laptop contained material involving underage girls.

It’s unclear if the Hunter Biden laptop actually belonged to the Beau Biden Foundation, but the The Mac Shop, at the center of the story, is in Wilmington, as is the Beau Biden Foundation. It’s a short drive down the 202 from the physical address of the foundation at the University of Delaware Law School to the Trolley Square address of the shop where the laptop ended up.

Earlier this year, the Beau Biden Foundation was one of the beneficiaries of grants from the Delaware COVID-19 Strategic Response Fund. The Biden foundation had received a $22,000 grant to provide “virtual training” to protect children from abuse. That is the sort of thing that the foundation, co-chaired by Hunter Biden and other Biden family members, does. [-]

[+] … Perhaps Beau would have wanted someone to speak out if his daughter were endangered.

If Hunter Biden was privately being accused of creating “a very unsafe environment for the kids” and of exposing himself to an underage girl, this should have been made public to warn others, instead of concealing the information for years until the laptop with its Beau Biden Foundation sticker, featuring an angel’s wing (t-shirts with the logo are available for $20 bucks), went public.

The Beau Biden Foundation offers “youth-serving organizations” a $3,000 “Shield of Protection” program which claims to train staff how to be “Stewards of Children®”, stop grooming, as well as “Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse.” The latter, a $500 workshop, deals with, among other things, mandatory reporting statutes. Were the allegations against Beau ever reported? [-]

Full link below…

Human trafficking ‘hunter’ paradise…

The news concerning pedophilia, missing children and adrenochrome is quite barbaric … primordial, if you will. Children are the most innocent and beautiful. How anyone can harm a child is beyond my ability to grasp. I keep going back to reread the geo-physics of the art of evolution. It appears that many within our government will face the end of the line on this planet. People like ‘Hitlary’, Pelosi, Biden, et al, do not have any hopes of escaping God’s wrath. For that, I say thank you.

The District of Columbia DoJ, and its political arm the FBI, protect and shelter the abusers. They have taken too much money to come clean now. We have the power to change it, and I believe things are changing. 45 children were rescued this week in Ohio. Between Dopin’ Hunter and Gropin’ Joe no American is safe, child or adult.

The corrupt Bidens have been – and remain – a threat to everything most of us hold dear. Our Constitution and the freedoms it guarantees; our American cultural and political traditions; the rule of law; our shared moral values – none of this means anything to Joe and his family.

To make America great again, we must keep America great!

And on that note, time for today’s MAGA Pill – Warrior-President Donald John Trump – MAGA! KAG!
