Go ahead, make my…
While the merciless and dissolute dogmas of the false prophet shall furnish motives to human action, there can never be peace upon earth, and good will towards men. The hand of Ishmael will be against every man, and every man’s hand against him. It is, indeed, amongst the mysterious dealings of God, that this delusion should have been suffered for so many ages, and during so many generations of human kind, to prevail over the doctrines of the meek and peaceful and benevolent Jesus. ~ John Quincy Adams, 1830
It doesn’t take a genius to process that the unreasoning hatred and contempt for every Christian we see in America today has been intentionally born, bred, and developed within the confines of government schools. Every single scrap of dogma taught concerning “religion” is specifically framed so as to undermine and revile the Christian, while promoting the tolerance of, and surrender to, an alphabet soup of repressive ideologies led by the regressive nature of Islam.

Muslims taking over DFW airport in protest against stall on illegal immigration .. always the first move in their taking over control…
Inside every public classroom in America today, any subject which dares to explore human beings and human behavior – whether it be social studies, government, humanities, health, sociology, or whatever else passes for ‘education’ these days – cleverly and deliberately phrases everything to run contrary to Biblical teachings concerning Man.
All of this propaganda and indoctrination, is further reinforced through the media-entertainment complex. Television shows, movies, video games and whatever else, provide a constant steady drumbeat of assertions, falsehoods, and manipulative deceit intended to further alienate people from accepting or believing in Biblical precepts. The very Christian precepts upon which the Constitutional Republic of the United States was founded.
Consider this opening from Susan D. Harris in today’s American Thinker:
It was my 11th-year social studies class when the teacher gave us some “Xeroxed” papers – still warm, with that “just copied” smell, and repeating that old school refrain: “Take one and pass it back.”
A square box was drawn in the center of the sheet, and there was a line for the student’s name in the corner. The teacher told us to put whatever we wanted in the box, but to think hard about it first.
I took everything very seriously in 11th grade, so I asked myself, “If I have one box to put anything in, I should put the most important thing in the whole world. So what is the most important thing in the whole world?” It came to me like a bolt of lightning: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” I wrote the verse in the tiny box and passed my paper forward.
Within a few days, the teacher returned our papers. We were told they had not been graded, only “reviewed” because they were a “social experiment.” She explained that what we put in the empty box represented what would be the most important thing in our lives – the essence that would drive everything we did.
Reflecting later in life, I was impressed with its accuracy. My faith, and sharing it, has been the most important thing in my life. It seems that the box experiment worked for me, but I have serious doubts about how well it worked for classmates who filled their boxes with everything from boats to lions.
This is why our youngest generation, the Millennials, are by far the least religious (especially as it relates to being Christian) generation of Americans in all of recorded History. And the Gen-Xers before them could say the same. And the Baby Boomers before them, the same.
It was during the Baby Boomer era beginning in the early 1960s that the Bible, the Ten Commandments, prayer, etc., were all thrown out of the public arena. Every generation of Americans prior to the Boomers were overwhelmingly, noticeably Christian in their habits and in their comport between neighbors. You could see it in their writings, their entertainment, their educational curricula, their very lives and the lives of their ancestors.
Who would have guessed that by 2017, traditional middle-class Christian America would be expected to unquestioningly acquiesce to any and all whims from Buddhists, Hindus, atheists, pagans, wiccans, Satanists, Muslims, freethinkers, gays, and everyone else who deviates from their traditionally held beliefs? If they express concern that other religions or worldviews might destructively infringe upon their way of life, they are labeled intolerant or xenophobic. Social networking sites can be found full of suggestions that Christian nut-jobs just die off and let the world evolve beyond the antiquated biblical morality that hung witches from the gallows.
The trouble lies in the fact that modern Christians and secularists now agree that morality, as defined in the Bible, is all relative. Relativism automatically undermines any permanent ideas of right and wrong, which in turn strips Christianity of any moral authority it had as the glue that held society together. Years ago, political theorist Russell Kirk wrote that “the essence of social conservatism is preservation of the ancient moral traditions of humanity.” Assuming that this is true, one might easily argue that the essence is gone.
If I say God says something is wrong – i.e., a sin – I am informed (silenced) that my interpretation is disputable and relative to my own (probably twisted) worldview.
Add to this the fact that my area is also experiencing an influx of Muslim refugees who refuse to assimilate, and I’m suddenly a stranger in my own land. Speaking English outs me as a local; wearing a cross marks me as a judgmental Puritan.
My local supermarket is now frequented by women in hijabs walking behind their husbands. I’ve even seen little girls in full niqabs (head coverings that reveal only the eyes, which apparently are not even required in Islam).
The truth is, I’ve reached the point where I’m almost afraid to go out in public and speak the words I wrote in that little box so many years ago. It’s acceptable to be a Christian – as long as you are the kind who doesn’t take the Bible literally, as long as you don’t bother anyone else about it, as long as you know when to shut up. Once reprogrammed, you might earn the right to be assimilated into your own society or accepted back into your own town.
It is because of the laughably misnamed Progressives (aka The Left) that Christian influence has been forcibly removed from our culture. In so doing, all they have accomplished is to shove America and Americans backwards more than two thousand years, back toward the chaotic and dysfunctional pre-Christian attitudes and behaviors which dominated the ancient eras.
In short, Progressives have regressed us back toward classical barbarism. Which is all they ever do. They really should be labeled as “Regressives.”
The precept of the koran is, perpetual war against all who deny, that Mahomet is the prophet of God. The vanquished may purchase their lives, by the payment of tribute; the victorious may be appeased by a false and delusive promise of peace; and the faithful follower of the prophet, may submit to the imperious necessities of defeat: but the command to propagate the Moslem creed by the sword is always obligatory, when it can be made effective. The commands of the prophet may be performed alike, by fraud, or by force. ~ John Quincy Adams, 1830
Read the full Susan D. Harris by clicking on the Logo…
See also John Quincy Adams on Islam