National divorce not happened: yet!

En Garde in the bunker…

“When in the course of human events … (ahem!) – not getting a divorce morphs into “battered wife syndrome”. Mmmmm… Weakness after all is staying and trying the same old thing over and again because we’re too afraid to do anything different. Talk about Battered Wife Syndrome. That’s the perfect illustration of it.

Cut to the chase and seems like everyone is ‘dumping on’ MTG (aka Marjorie Taylor Greene) at the moment. But the problem that she called to attention is, in the opinion of yours truly, a very reasonable fear and problem, since we’re not talking about the kind of disagreements that someone like, say Sen. Dirksen used to have with palsy-palsy Sen. Church; au contraire, but we’re talking about the kind of disagreements that Genghis Khan might have with Attila the Hun – with none of the contending parties willing to change their position one iota, the differences between the two as vast as the distance is between east and west.

National divorce not happened: yet!

Immanuel Kant published his attack on reason, “The Critique Of Pure Reason” in 1781, getting on almost 250 years ago. As the father of modern totalitarianism, he also became the father of the modern Left.

What the Founders didn’t realize and what few realize today is that they built America in the nick of time at the very tail end – the last full breath, as it were – of the Age of Enlightenment. Little did they know that just a few years later the philosopher of the Counter Renaissance and the Counter Age of Enlightenment, the philosopher of anti-reason, Immanuel Kant would plant his seeds of destruction.

There will be no compromise between/among these parties, as the confrontation between them likely would be very ugly and destructive indeed. One may be right in that the Liberati-demoMarxocrat-Leftists won’t ever allow a peaceful resolution of these differences, yet it seems to yours truly that MTG is trying to find a way to peacefully (as peacefully as possible) resolve these differences. Retired lawyers in the know have handled many a failed marriage which ended by an amicable divorce, and that was the best thing that could have happened to/for those people. Ergo the current rendition!

Let us therefore handle the topic at hand … Daniel Greenfield, FrontPageMag: ‘A National Divorce Isn’t Happening’ …

It’s like asking a mugger to stop beating you and split the contents of your wallet

The idea of a national divorce is gaining currency among some on the right. The appeal is as obvious as it is completely unrealistic. Getting a national divorce from the Left is like asking a mugger to stop beating you and just agree to split the contents of your wallet. It’s appeasement from a position of weakness and that never works.

The Left isn’t into compromise. It wants total victory and it holds most of the good cards. It didn’t get into this to settle for New York and California, or for that matter America. Making any kind of deal with it is a delusion and entirely unfeasible. The national division isn’t between red and blue states, but between urban and some suburban areas, and everything else. A national divorce between urban and rural areas would only be workable as some sort of libertarian fever dream in which both sides form federations and sign complex treaties.

Suffice it to say that the boys and girls trying to force gender identity on pre-schoolers and who riot in the streets are not about to agree to a mutually consensual uncoupling, as Gwyneth Paltrow once put it. Fanatics who spend most of their waking hours dreaming of taking over the world while being convinced that all the world’s problems are due to limitations on their authority do not just walk away.

Splitting up the country is unviable, impossible and cowardly. The cold, hard truth is that there’s nowhere to run. This is, as Reagan said, the last hope for freedom. Centuries of fighting for America only to let some of the best parts of it go would be a shameful dismantling of a great nation. And, much like peace with Hitler or Stalin, it’s not on the table anyway. All this talk puts me in mind of Churchill’s “You were given the choice between war and dishonour. You chose dishonour, and you will have war.”

Retreating to the next hill over and promising to fight for that one has marked numerous surrenders on the right. A national divorce actually surrenders real hills while promising to fight for the remaining ones. It doesn’t work.

Either you have a plan to win or a plan to lose. A plan to cut a deal is not a serious plan, it’s a plan to lose. [end]

Full link below….

National divorce not happened: yet!

“Collectivism does not preach sacrifice as a temporary means to some desirable end. Sacrifice is its end—sacrifice as a way of life. It is man’s independence, success, prosperity, and happiness that collectivists wish to destroy.” ~ Ayn Rand

To a great degree it feels like we’re in a no-win situation; choosing “divorce” would mean chipping away at what once was a great country, until only pockets may be left hither and yon, yet fully understanding that eventually the demoMarxocrat Left will forever pursue their plan inside whatever is left to crush, while dividing and conquering everything else.

Yet one cannot view the other option – war – becoming a winning situation, especially when dealing with a country that is behaving like the Soviet Union with their unfair tactics. Inevitably it could bring so much suffering, yet doing nothing at all becomes the Soviet Union of America, horrific way beyond comprehension; sufferance lasting for decades affecting generations upon generations. National divorce not happened: yet!

Just trying to weigh out the options seems well worth it to fight for our grandchildren and great-grandchildren still left to be born. Just keep remembering: “It took centuries of intellectual, philosophical development to achieve political freedom. It was a long struggle, stretching from Aristotle to John Locke to the Founding Fathers.” ~ Ayn Rand

Amazingly, Edgerton points out, Tasmanians could not take advantage of the ocean surrounding their island, because although they once learned how to fish, they forgot or gave up the practice. Thus many Tasmanians perished of starvation despite the availability of a plentiful food source all around them.” ~ Dinesh D’Souza

And with that, time for today’s MAGA Pill – President Donald John Trump – MAGA! KAG!
