En Garde In The Bunker
Those who don’t learn from history are bound to repeat it. “Islam in a man is like rabies in a dog.” ~ Sir Winston Churchill. With its focus on butchery and wanton killing, arguably Islam is merely an institution which glorifies medieval madness and stone-age stupidity. Under the guise of “god-glorification”, Islam is just an excuse to be G_d dam*ed evil.
To anyone paying attention to events in the Middle East, Europe, and the USA it should be crystal clear that Shar’iah, as well as Islam itself is incompatible with Western Civilization. One simply has to get past the constant drumbeat of the elites and the mullahs (at times a differentiation without a difference) and view Islam not as a religion, but as a life controlling barbaric cultish ideology. The facts are what they are, and all the protestations of the media, academics, elites, and Muslim front groups do not change them. If the world must have Islam it needs to be confined, for it cannot assimilate. It only seeks to conquer.
Islam is utterly incompatible with the US Constitution. No Muslim can be faithful to Islam and America at the same time. Shari’ah is mutually exclusive with the Bill of Rights, and there can be only one remedy that preserves peace and the lives, property and safety of the “infidels” who founded and largely populate America. That remedy is either to preach the word of God and the presence of Jesus Christ to every Muslim in America, or the expulsion of all Muslims from American soil, the utter destruction of every Mosque in America and the eradication of the “holy” books of this vile system of Conquest, Subjugation, Rape and Murder; starting with the Muslim currently squatting in the White House.
The First amendment to the U.S. Constitution is generally considered in terms of religious freedom, and freedom of political thought. But it is actually rooted in freedom for scientific inquiry. Going back to the days when people believed the earth revolved around the sun, the Catholic Church thought it not wise to rock the boat. Galileo saw the fallacy of the Church’s thinking, but was persuaded to recant his finding, or he would need a Seeing Eye Dog. That all changed soon after however, and the kernel of modern scientific inquiry sprouted in late renaissance Holland. Microscopes lead to telescopes. External combustion engines led to internal combustion engines. Transistors led to chips. Chips led to the explosion of informational technology. And the rest is history.
Notice none of this came from Islamic countries, because they don’t like new thoughts, preferring en masse to remain in 7th-century misery. Thank you very much, but Islam and its adherents can stay entrenched where they are in the desert sand dunes of Arabia where they belong, and leave the conquering hordes to fight among themselves until the eradication is complete. Islam is not for me. Islam is not for us. Islam is not for America, nor for any other Western Civilized country. Period. Over. Out.
James Arlandson from today’s American Thinker and “Why Sharia is Incompatible with American Values” …
You and I don’t like sharia, while hundreds of millions love it. Chillingly, it’s still making inroads in American society.
Who’s right? Are we stuck in relativism? Worse, is the side with the strongest military right? How do we break the deadlock? Any objective – timeless and transcultural – moral truths out there? It’s time to go deeper and figure out what’s happening in us that makes us recoil at it.
ISIS and many Islamic nations believe, because original Islam teaches, the following:
- Mosque and state are not separate.
- Apostasy, or leaving Islam, is outlawed up to the penalty of death.
- Speaking against Islam is outlawed up to the penalty of death.
- Jihad or qital (military war only) to force conversions or submit to a tax is allowed.
- Having sex with female prisoners of war is allowed.
- Drinkers and gamblers may be flogged.
- Adulterers and fornicators may be flogged (and adulterers may be stoned to death).
- Bearing false witness about sexual sin (a “crime” in Islam) can incur flogging.
- Homosexuals may be flogged or executed.
- A woman inherits half of what a man does.
- Domestic violence is allowed.
- A woman’s testimony counts as half of a man’s testimony.
- A man may divorce his wife by pronouncing three times “you are divorced” outside a court of law, and the divorce is legal and final.
It should be pointed out that sharia has laws that look like those of any other system (e.g., don’t murder, steal, or traffic drugs). And it is true that in seventeenth-century American society, the punishments were harsh, but we have worked hard to move away from the past. America has improved on that list and the whole tone of sharia, like head coverings for women. Specifically, our Constitution by itself eliminates most of those sharia laws. The First Amendment offers freedom of religion, without government intrusion, and free speech. The Eighth Amendment prohibits cruel and unusual punishment.
First Amendment set in stone…
Our state laws also eliminate them. Domestic violence, for example, is illegal. A woman can inherit as much as a woman can, if the last will and testament says so. Her testimony counts equally to a man’s. Divorce, though lax in some states, has to be done through a court. Our military does not allow an army to attack people to “strongly encourage” conversion or impose a second-class citizen tax if the conquered foes don’t convert.
Once again, I would still like to go a little deeper than these written laws to the uncodified moral law, or perhaps just to universal values. The Declaration of Independence proclaims:
We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Let’s put it in a simple (but not simplistic) formula, the arrow meaning “leads to” or “produces”:
Life + Liberty → Pursuit of Happiness
Self-evident means America didn’t invent those universal and timeless values; she only discovered them. Happiness at first glance appears completely subjective, but it is actually confined within limits, because it’s different from pleasure. Aristotle rightly teaches that happiness is achieved by living life in balance and in excellence. Extreme behavior like licentiousness on the one side and apathy on the other is a vice; temperance is in the middle or the Golden Mean between the two vices is a virtue. One lives in excellence when one has temperance (is not a party animal), and excellence leads to happiness.
That’s for the individual.
Socially, life and liberty lead to happiness. You get to live in freedom, and now you can create your own version of happiness. But it must be done within individual limits – and individuals make up a nation. On the Islamic side, religious law that suppresses liberty does not permit a life to develop, and thus, happiness is denied. This religious, legal system denies the freedom of conscience and movement and viewpoints, for example, and is oppressive.
Here is a variation on the formula, the arrows again meaning “leads to” or “produces.” To me, Islamic law and society look like this:
Extreme religious laws → Control → Oppression → Misery
The more restrictive and extreme Islamic laws are, the more controlling and oppressive they are, which leads to personal and social unhappiness. It is difficult for Islamic clerics and legal scholars to see that their laws are extreme and therefore oppressive because they believe that the laws came down from Allah himself; if only humanity would follow them, it would be submissive to him and eventually be happy (if happiness is even a goal for them, so let’s instead say “social harmony”). But they don’t have a broad enough perspective.
Americans do. How?
By comparison, it is believed that the Law of Moses came down from God with its harsh punishments and severe restrictions, but the New Testament wrestles with religious law. The wisdom of the New Testament, which is also revealed by God (as Christians believe), teaches a new path that goes higher than the Law of Moses (go here, here, and here for the theology). Suffice it to say, the New Covenant moves away from excessive religious law and toward freedom.
Nearly all of the eighteenth-century Founders were Protestants, so they were steeped, willingly or not, in the freedom of New Testament theology. They believed, for example, that people should have the freedom to worship one God, twenty gods, or no god. Let persuasion, not threats or coercion, bring them over to your point of view. Of course, Islam’s defenders say online that America wallows in licentiousness, and this is true in some ways. However, we have also learned to let moral law take care of private behavior that does not seep out into public and disturb the peace. Written law should deal with unruly citizens.
So now let’s figure out where we should live between these two extremes:
Sharia ———————————-X————- Anarchy
It’s hard to know how far we can get away from sharia without lurching over to anarchy, but if I can’t figure it out precisely, I go right of center. And for sure I don’t want a state-imposed mixture of religious and civil law. The point: Liberty and the highest quality of life leading to happiness do not entail lawlessness or anarchy. We don’t need the extremes to enjoy social harmony.
Where would you put the X?
Shari’ah Law is counter-productive to The Constitution…
Islam imposes extremely religious and oppressive laws that degrade society and hinder improvement in society and make people miserable, whether they realize it or not or are qualified to say so or not. By contrast, it’s those universal values embedded in us that make us recoil instinctively at sharia. And I believe that those values are embedded deeply in all humans, even Muslims, but they just don’t have the experience with liberty. If they did experience it, their quality of life and the happiness that naturally ensues would improve.
In any case, we have moved on from state-imposed, old, harsh religious laws mixed with civil law. Life, liberty, and happiness are intrinsically better than sharia.
James Arlandson’s website is Live as Free People, which is updated almost daily and where he has posted Thirty sharia laws, What is moral law?, How to judge sharia, and How to be happy.
See also good reads:
The Ever Present Danger of Islam: Part One
The Ever Present Danger of Islam: Part Two
The Ever Present Danger of Islam: Part Three