Beach engagement Normandy 1944

Next time the question arises as to what to do about defeating Islamic Jihadist Terrorists, cast your minds back to the years of the Greatest Generation (very young, brave, and steeled men at the time) who rushed headlong into the fiery furnace of Hell to defeat not only the Devil, but his associates the Nazis…

D-Day Assault 72 Years Ago Today..

On the evening of June 5th, 1944 (yours truly was just 7 months old) hours prior to the D-day landings in Normandy, copies of the letter seen below – Eisenhower‘s Order of the Day – were distributed to members of the allied forces. The meticulously crafted, highly encouraging call-to-arms was drafted by Eisenhower himself over…

In Flanders Fields…

In the 11th minute of the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, we pause in memory of the millions of men and women who sacrificed their lives in military service to preserve “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” for future generations. It is now our turn …The first poppies were distributed…

D-Day Assault 71 Years Ago Today

On the evening of June 5th, 1944 (yours truly was just 7 months old) hours prior to the D-day landings in Normandy, copies of the letter seen below – Eisenhower‘s Order of the Day – were distributed to members of the allied forces. The meticulously crafted, highly encouraging call-to-arms was drafted by Eisenhower himself over…

Uplifting America The Deliverer…

Uplifting America the deliverer. Winston Spencer Churchill and my grandmother died within months of each other in the first half of 1965, and I remember thinking upon my return to Britain from two years in Jamaica that my generation had seen the passing of what Churchill referred to in one of his wartime speeches, as “History…

In Flanders Fields..

  On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, we pause in memory of the thousands of men and women who sacrificed their lives in military service to preserve “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” for future generations. It is now our turn …The first poppies were distributed around 1920, inspired…