The Current Face Of US Foreign Policy Is As Dangerous As The Botox Supporting It…

In the immortal words of David Kahane in Rules For Radical Conservatives “Everyone knows that Al Gore really won the 2000 election; John Kerry really was a war hero, even though he only spent sixteen weeks in Vietnam and yet won more medals-per-minute than Audie Murphy; that Teddy Kennedy was the Lion of the Senate instead of…

Top Ten Most Terrifying Things About The WH Fraud …

And he continues to skate on everything. He knows nothing when scandal breaks out continuously. He squanders our children’s future on his pleasure and political maneuvering. No one pays any penalty for breaking the law if they are in his “court”. Hope must evolve into action or nothing will change for our children. We will have let…

Obama Aware Of Merkel Spy-Watch .. Lied About It

The Economic Times writes the “high-ranking” NSA official spoke to Bild am Sonntag on the condition of anonymity, saying the president, “not only did not stop the operation, but he also ordered it to continue.” The Economic Times also reports the official told Bild am Sonntag that Obama did not trust Merkel, wanted to know everything…

Snowden Disputes Feinstein Claim..

National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden on Thursday disputed Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-Calif.) claim that the government’s phone record collection program is not “surveillance.” “Today, no telephone in America makes a call without leaving a record with the NSA. Today, no Internet transaction enters or leaves America without passing through the NSA’s hands,” Snowden said…