CNN, Don Lemon, We The People..

Just for the record before we get to CNN, here is what Trump actually said, verbatim, regarding Hillary and the “Second Amendment folks”: “Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish the Second Amendment. By the way, if she gets to pick—if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people,…

Pope Marxist, Communist, Both?

Continuing our theme for the week (which isn’t “Catholic Church/Pope Bashing” as some have accused me of, by any means) I give you my own introductary opinion as usual, before turning us over to Matthew Vadum and his piece from yesterday’s FrontPageMag. My reason for squeezing as much out of this Pope’s behavior and forward inclinations,…

Gangsta Rap In Baltimore Demise…

The old joke goes “Mr. Smith you won first place. Your prize is a one-week stay in Baltimore. Mr. Brown your second-place prize is a two week stay in Baltimore.” Matthew Vadum in his excellent piece coming up agrees that Baltimore is not in good condition, and is going to get worse. However, let We…