Brussels bombing no lesson learned

On Wednesday, the seventh King of the Belgians, Philippe, dedicated a memorial to the Brussels Islamic Jihadist bombing of a year ago closing his remarks with: “It’s the responsibility of each and every one of us to make our society more humane, and more just. Let’s learn to listen to each other again, to respect each…

Jihad surfaces yet again in London

As tacit a post as I’ve seen from Daniel Greenfield in a long, long, time, so I’ll give it to you straight up front and then chime in on my perspective right after. THE TERRORISTS AREN’T TRYING TO “DEFEAT OUR VALUES” THEY’RE TRYING TO KILL US Right on cue. The canned response to terror. “The…

BREXIT Triumphant 52% To 48%..

Musing in no particular order over the fantastic result of Britain getting back its sovereignty overnight with a 52%-48% margin in the Brexit exercise for freedom… Cameron does the right and noble thing – Memo to Obama the Clown Prince of Fools … THIS is how TRUE leaders act, with honesty, truth, and decorum –…